christian/pop/country (crit welcome)

Moody piece. Pretty sparse though as far as instrumentation goes.

Might want to add some guitar. A layer of acoustic to fill it in, and you could also have a whole lead thing going on between vocal phrases. You have a little at the very beginning, but it needs wayyyy more.

Pull the triangle way back and bring the drum machine up a little. The triangle is like a click track. You might want to pull it out.

Pull back on the echos and reverb a little. Might also spread the vocal reverb in stereo to fatten it up.

Country-ish stuff is not my thing, but this one has a country flavor vocal, but musically it is not. Could almost be a slow funk jam with a change in drum programming and a bass groove. That would be a weird combo!
Not too shabby ...

Okay, this is one of those "go down the list" type of critiques...

Arrangement: This sounded like a guitar tune to me -- imho -- I wouldv'e liked to hear the synths more in the background instead of the main, especially the strings pad you had going on there. Also, the pacing of the song was a bit slow for me, but again that is just my opinion. I like the storytelling nature of the tune.

Recording: The mix sounded good on this end. I think it goes back to the arrangement again for me. Those strings were okay, but they got kind of old by the end of the tune. I think it definitely has potential and maybe a more "building up" approach wouldv'e worked better instead of just hitting you with the full arrangement all at once might have helped this one out.

I thought the vocals worked well for this tune...

If you decide to keep working on it, I definitely think it would be worth it!

Anyway, this is just my measly $.02...and I know nothing! :)

btw - my wife likes this tune!

Okay, this makes me smile, mostly cause I think it's so weird. Hope that's on purpose.

These are all just my opinions, keep that in mind.

I have to strongly agree with the triangle sound. It reminds me of the 'suspense' music in 70's TV shows - especially the Six Million Dollar Man. It REALLY doesn't go.

The intro lead guitar sound - holy 70's Album-Rock! Reminds me very much of April Wine or even Boston. It's great! More please!

The vocals just don't go right with the song. A very nice home-spun country influenced sound, with nice harmonies. So what's with the string pads, the synth bass, and the techno synth swoopy things? The two elements are weird together, but then again that's what I find most attractive about the song.

Overall the sound doesn't do it for me. It sounds like a modern keyboard with lots of sounds going direct in. Especially the drum machine. I would suggest more amping, especially the rythym section elements.

And less string pad!
I know what you guys mean about mix matched and over done parts. I used Band in a box for all but the guitars so it does have that fake kind of input sound.

I will be re recording this and very much appreciate yer tips/comments!
Cool tune,vocals are really good.

Great synth sound,almost overshadows the vox.
Very good melody and writing.
Definitly worth working on,has a lot of potential.

Looking foward to the next take!

A++ for the song content.

All praise the king of kings!!!

I think this song has a lot of potential. I would have liked to have heard it as a guitar song without the synth. It's cool, I like the vibe it is giving off, and as a Christian myself, I really like the writing.!! Keep it up!!

I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me.
Phillipians 4:13
