Christ Has Nothing To Do With Christmas


New member
I know I'm going to get hammered for this

© Buck Stewart / June 2004

He wasn’t born in December or on the twenty-fifth
That’s a date pagan worshippers of the sun came up with
Christmas, you may not know, was once against the law
This forgotten fact should fill us all with fear and awe

Every lie contains some truth
Trying to steal your soul
Mixing good with bad
Look out! A little leaven corrupts the whole
But strip away the lie
And get to know this Truth...
Christ has nothing to do with Christmas

The yule log is pagan, the tree, and the stockings too
Overdrinking, mistletoe, from his word please take this clue
Don’t use the celebrations of God’s enemies for his Son
If you are looking for His will on this earth to be done

Every lie contains some truth
Trying to steal your soul
Mixing good with bad
Look out! A little leaven corrupts the whole
But strip away the lie
And get to know this Truth...
Christ has nothing to do with Christmas

It’s just a harmless tradition, it’s for the kids some say
But Santa and Satan are both called Old Nick by the way
Beware the traditions of men
That nullify the word of God
Jesus made that point when on this earth he trod

You say that your preacher never told this truth to you?
Don’t worry, just study His word and you’ll know what to do
Remember, God’s Son said that the truth will set you free
He doesn’t want pagan worship from you or from me

Every lie contains some truth
Trying to steal your soul
Mixing good with bad
Look out! A little leaven corrupts the whole
But strip away the lie
And get to know this Truth...
Christ has nothing to do with Christmas

Now please my friend don’t take me or my song wrong
It’s good to be with family ‘n friends, let good times roll along
But please don’t celebrate with Satan’s devious twisted lies
Bring honor to God’s Son and be pleasing in His eyes

Every lie contains some truth
Trying to steal your soul
Mixing good with bad
Look out! A little leaven corrupts the whole
But strip away the lie
And get to know this Truth...
Christ has nothing to do with Christmas
Christ has nothing to do with Christmas

If he doesn’t why should you?

Hello Bucks :)
could you please contact me via email at
regarding this song..and another one I have read from you :)
I tried to send you a private message on this site..but you never got back to me, Thank you :)

Wow, That says some very powerful things. And it is well written, as far as verse/chorus goes. There isn't much theology to argue in this piece, but I might question the historicity of it. I am by no means an expert, I am pursuing a graduate degree in Ministry, but my focus is on Biblical/Pastoral counseling. I will have to reopen my church history books to be certain, but I seem to recall that the original intent for selecting 12/25 was to replace the pagan holiday in hopes of converting them (the pagans) to Christ. At this time in History the church would have been under the rule of Constantine or a later "Christian" emperor. Again, I'm not 100% sure on this. I'm sure you posted this to get some sort of review, but I'm not sure what you may be looking for in one. This could be a very controversial subject, depending on who you present it to. I had the opportunity to preach at Christmas this year and I think that it is important to remember that Christ's birth regardless of when it happened did happen, and it was for a purpose. I guess all I'm saying is don't damper the message of salvation by making Believers feel guilty for worshiping God on 12/25. I hope that made sense. Personally my family does not hold to the "traditional Form" of Christmas. My favorite Holy Day is Easter (sans rabbits!) but that's another one!
in His grip
Dude... I totally agree that Christ has nothing to do with Christmas. Christmas is historically a collection of pagan rituals, and, if I remember correctly, Pope Greogory decided to add Christ to the mix in the 1300s, in order to bring pagans into the fold. His notion was brilliant in it's effectiveness. Where I disagree with you is in the notion that Santa is somehow linked to Satan. I'm sorry, but that's absurd. Santa is a conglomeration of ancient european myths of a father christmas. A woodsman who brings cheer in the middle of winter. A purely innocent, happy myth. I also believe that Christ is a myth. But I viemently agree that Christmas and Christ's birthday should be separated, as they used to be long ago. They're totally separate in meaning and function, and only share a non-specific notion of brotherhood and good will toward men. But the specifics of each -- celebration of the winter solstice and the birth of the Christ -- don't really mesh, especially when you add capitalistic pressures to but gifts during that season in order to keep our economy going. What the f*&k does that have to do with Christ's teachings?!? We'd all be better off if Christmas was totally pagan, as it used to be, and Christ's birthday was celebrated on another day a month or two away...
Same deal with easter. GiantEggs??! Rabbits?!?!? Pagan rites of spring reproduction/fuck fest. The Catholics threw the ressurection on top of all that and used some old wierd calculations to get the date near the pagan festivals. Those bastards (I grew up catholic I can call them bastards) tried do the same thing with Halloween with "All Saints Day". Catholocism is pretty much a marketing strategy developed by old kings and hierarchs. "Hey all of our subjects are really into that dead guy jesus, I'm going to say that I am too and put the Cucifix on our Shields and call myself the Pope". "Then it will really catch on and all these Christians will think that I am thier leader, all of them and thier kings will have to pay me tribute." Allright now put some red robes on and kill all the Jews and anyone who opposes my authority. Sorry but I think that Catholocism and Catholic originated holidays are a fucking sick joke on the world. Rapists Con artists and Cowards afraid to think for themselves. Total Bullshit. Non Spiritual Religion. but thats most religions that I can think of. Except Buddism, thats about self empowerment, thats cool. Sorry real hair trigger subject with me.
Bucks, while I dont agree with most of it, you brought up some interesting points......but i cant imagine anyone, even if they agreed with you on every point, enjoying this piece as a song.....its just to preachy....i think songs should entertain......great essay, so-so song.......
You want to talk about great lyrics?

Try XTC's "Dear God"....... now THOSE are great lyrics.

I wish *I* had written that song!!!
gidge...people like that shit...their called satanists lol and before anyone starts in on me...I'm not christian.....i choose not to have a religion. but i will get down on some christmas ham and i do expect presents in the morning on christmas day.
Easter was stolen by the christians. Originally it was a celebration of spring. Infact it was the celebration of the spring goddess eostre. Christmas was hijacked too. The whole modern notion of christianity has mutated over the years. For example, there were no paintings of jesus until the romans had taken over christianity. This is why we see paintings of jesus as a bearded italian man instead of a palastinian.

Not that I'm a christan or anything but whatever the actual date of the birth of jesus the yearly mass in to celebrate his birth is held in December. It's called christ mass. So, surely saying christ mass has nothing to do with christ is pointless.

I can't help but think the world would be a much calmer and safer place if christanity just stayed a small cult in the middle east instead of spreading all over the world causing wars, crusades, genocide, hatred...
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Ya about that last thread. If any of you are saying that christ and christianity are not real and have not read the bible than your opinion means nothing. You guys are bassing what you think on what others think. Thats not very safe. I can't rule out any religion before I now what its about and how it originated and if it is factual. I do know that If you ask a scientist to prove the "big bang" half of them will walk away with no answer and the other half will have to admit to you that it is based on nothing. It is too improbable that you throw a bunch of atoms into the air and make a computer.
Now that whole christ and christmas song is pretty messed up. I know and everyone else should know that christmas is not an exact date of christ birth but an aproximation. They do it because of what it represents.
And another note on the roman catholics making jesus. Just do a little research on what the catholics used to do and you will find out why christians and catholics are different. Purgatory! who made that up. give your money to help a dead guy. thats pretty messed up.
Christians and Catholics are different? What the hell are you on about? All christans were catholics until the pope disallowed Henry VIII to divorce. Henry VIII then decided that he was going to bypass the head of the christian church and become the head of the church himself. Incase you don't know the history of your flavour of christianity you should look it up. :rolleyes:
I know what the history is of the catholics and christians. But what makes them different now is that the christians or the true christians don't believe anything but the bible. Unlike the catholics or other pretty bogus religions now that believe any that they here. A true christian now would see what is said in the bible and would do what it says unlike the catholics who still like parts of the bible but not the whole thing. that is very contradictory to what the bible says also.
And the old and new testament go together. The old is a prophecy of the new. So those that believe the old and not the new are just rejecting all the things that happened in the new testament.
And for all those that don’t know or who are just too ignorant Jesus was real. It is in the history books as fact. He was not some made up guy. And the things that he did were not just made up. Even the people against him couldn’t deny what he did. They just tried to make excuses for them.
There are lots of things that can be discussed along the lines, of what christianity has adopted from traditions.

Jesus is the Greek name given to him because the new testament was written is Greek. However, his name is more along the lines of what we call in English for Joshua. So, why is it Jesus in English, too ? In Greek, Jesus has Zeus as part of the name. In Hebrew, Joshua, means God Saves, as in Yah (Yahweh) and Salvation.

Why is it taboo to call your kid Jesus, other than spanish (that I know of)

As part of Greek mythology, sons of Zeus were gods themselves, in their own right. Catholics and some other christians believe Jesus is god. Some don't. Why ? Because the Bible never says so. One example is "There is one mediator between God and Man, the "man" Jesus Christ."

I'm sure there are other topics that can be debated. These are my thoughts. I find it interesting that some people have opened their eyes to the exposure of traditions and religion. And in the end, the choice is our own.
I don't mean to offend anyone or anything but I personally find people who take the bible literally really, really scary. Adam and Eve? Sheesh!

Of all the gods from all the religions I think I'd have to go with Thor. The most rock and roll of gods. :)

Ganesh is the coolest looking though. Buddha was the wisest but he wasn't technically a god. He was just a man with good ideas. Much like Jesus.
“You guys are bassing what you think on what others think. Thats not very safe.”
“A true christian now would see what is said in the bible and would do what it says. . .”
“And for all those that don’t know or who are just too ignorant Jesus was real. It is in the history books as fact. He was not some made up guy. And the things that he did were not just made up. Even the people against him couldn’t deny what he did. They just tried to make excuses for them.” ~ tremblayj

I HAVE to jump in here and give my2 cents on what this guy “Tremblayj" is saying.
First of all, the quote about “bassing” or maybe he meant "basing" what you think on what others think. The bible was NOT written by GOD or Jesus. FACT. The bible was written about 70 years (a story can change DRAMATICALLY in 70 years!) AFTER the death of Christ. BY MAN. FACT. (John, Mark, Luke, etc.) So, that makes the bible a 2nd or 3rd and maybe 4th hand account(s) of what MAY have happened. NOT a first hand account of what happened. So YOU are basing what you believe on what others say, namely those who wrote the bible. That’s not very safe.

Secondly, I have a Bachelor’s Degree on Art History, which is basically the history of Christianity. And I can tell you this, there is NO SOLID evidence that this man ever lived. There ARE some clues, but nothing more than that and this is being researched by Professional Historians, NOT CHRISTIANS. So, there is no reason to believe that they have any motive other than to find the truth. Anyway, that’s my take. You CAN’T believe everything you read or hear although you have a right to believe anything you want, but you should really, REALLY research and think about your beliefs before you give everything to them. Don't just believe what your parents made you listen to in church.

peace out! the dude
What the last guy said about the bible and how it was written by men is true. But the reason it is not just like any other book and has outlasted any other book is because of how it is all accountable to each other. I am not saying that I am full of knowledge and that I know all because that’s not even close(i am 18) but I do know what I can see in the bible. There are hundreds of instances in the bibles old testament that speaks about things that will happen in the new testament and they all did. There are too many to say but if this was written by men (which it was) without some sort of spiritual influence or somebody guiding them then how did it all happen so perfectly. You can't say that they made up the new testament to go with the old. No man in history has ever been able to write something some amazingly accurate. If they did make it up then they are the geniuses of this world but that about as probable as the "big bang".
for all those that are intersted here is a scientist I find very interesting. He likes to deal with numbers but most of all he likes to put things in real terms that we understand. His name is Chuck Missler. go check him out on the web. He might answer a lot of questions that people have. So don't say something else in here before you check what he has as he might have your answer.
tremblayj... I don't believe that Christ existed. Possibly, a brilliant man named Jesus did, but I feel that "the Christ", as is accepted by most Chrsitians, is simply a myth. A very powerful and influencial myth, but a myth, none the less. History is filled with them, and they drive cultures and individuals in a very powerful way. It's a very human thing, and will probably always be so.

Also, it's totally possible that the writers of the New Testament could have made stuff up in order to mesh with the Old Testament. What would have stopped them if they wanted to?

BTW, I used to be a practicing Christian, and I've read a lot of the Bible, so I'm not looking from the outside, in...