Check this thing out!

Sure looks impressive enough...

You've got 4 days to do some research on it - if you find the right Ampex history web site the whole story might be laid out right there.

If not, you could buy it anyway and remake/remodel it into the classic thing that goes "Bing"!
Ampex or not to ampex?

I'm guessing he knew for sure that it was ampex, surely even then they knew to use prominent logo's... Kinda wonder about them being that the guy didn't even check the power....Maybe there's a reason he wants rid of them... Hmm... In my fantasies these things could be masterminds behind an extremely powerful analog recording setup... Sounds too good to be true... One problem for me is that I don't know much about electronics...signal flow maybe, but the rest is beyond me... I would love to have someone make my old yamaha 24 track mixer and these machines into a power system though.... Cmon, people, I thought this thread would spark some interest!!!
If you're thinking of recording music to this thing (presuming it even works), think again. any recorders used by the military in that era would have been for communications - meaning voice data, meaning very limited bandwidth (i.e. no highs or lows). The other possibility is that it was used to record data from sensors, telemetry or even Morse code - again very bandwidth limited and not conducive to good audio recording. Still, for $20 if it's in good working condition, I suppose it could be used as an effects device of some kind, or scavanged for vintage parts...
My 2 cents

Well, you very well could get some neat effects outta this thing. I am sure you can find the schematics for it then you can start playing with tape speed, imput impedance, etc....all of which can give some crazy sounds. Not sure if a 6foot effects box is economical. But curiosity alone could be enough to want to play with it for a few monthes. The most difficult part will be finding tapes, however, if you can figure out EXACTLY what this thing did, you should be able to track down a military site that has one in the back somewhere.