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New member
Ok, here's my latest idea of my setup, as now i am ready to purchase any comments appreciated, cheers:

PC-upgrading to a 1.6 athlon (AMD) new HDD 7200rpm 40 gig, about 400/500mb ram (undecided)

Terratec EWX 2496 soundcard (£110 - £50 cheaper than the Audiophile2496)


Shure SM57/8 mic

SBlaster Live! card for Midi only

Johnson J-station (guitar effects, connects to midi for effects and S/pdif for recording)

My trusty Fender Strat (US Standard) .

Is this setup OKay? remember i am on a tight budget so thats the reason for saving £50 on the Terratec and buying a cheap Sblaster. Also the Terratec has Optical TOSLINK out so i can record onto my minidisc recorder :D Otherwise i would have skipped the sblaster live and go with the audiophile.



I would like terratec ewx 24/96 so cheap too,...

Here in Belgium it costs 210 Euro

Buy it, it's really a good soundcard for that price

You seem to be forgetting the most important part of the pc, the part that will allow all these pieces of hardware to work together.... *drumroll*
.... the motherboard!

A good choice of motherboard is often the difference between a stable and an unstable some research, plenty has been posted already on the subject...