Check this out


New member
Check this stuff out. This guy makes PROFESSIONAL rack gear very very cheaply. I know that most people are on tight budgets (who isn't) but this stuff truelly does sound fantastic.

I could buy the digimax here in Australia for $3000, or I could spend another $1500 and get 8 channels of Neve (more or less neve) Pre's.....hmmmm, a tough question. Also check out the channel strip, at $2500 australian, it truelly looks like it'd be the one for me.....

I think I fallen in love with this gear, now all I gotta do is save some bucks to own the stuff....could be a little while tho :(

Just remember that When converting to US$$$ that it'd be approx half of what the aussie price would be!!!

`el Linko
Mega interesting. I posted all over the place about these, I'll let you know what feedback I get over the next day or 3.
Just for the record, I would NOT buy these things without reliable and trustworthy word. Be careful until you have reason NOT to be too careful.
I have total and reliable info that this stuff is good. I know guys that have been getting him to custom make them things for years. It's not a mass production thing he does, he'll only make things to order, and I don't know of anyone in my hometown thats had probs with any of his gear. I got to use one of his compressors the other day and prefer it to the Urei LA4. This stuff really is good. Don't let the pricetag fool you!!! A hell of a lot of the biggername Aussie engineers are using his gear
Hopefully its all true. Fletcher checked out the site and had never heard of them, but the word is out now. My first thought, though, was at a price THAT great, I would expect cheap iron and scratchy pots, and a meager power supply, which wouldn't be good. Still, probably WAY better than standard fare, and the API alike was what... $2500, for 8 channels? Geezus... thats awesome. We might have more info this time tomorrow.
Some good info, coming up... I have it, just not right here where I need it.
Not available in the US though, yet. Maybe never, BUT he might sell a do-it-yourself kit with detailed instructions for a good price sometimes soon.
THe 8 channels of API style pres are only $1200 in american dollars. Awesome. No brainer if they are good, total no brainer.
Thats the thing....I don't think the guy that makes this stuff would actually operate on a huge commercial level, from the sounds of it, and the looks of his website it's kindof a localised thing, but these prices are unbelievable. I really like the idea of his Channel strip...I think he calls it the PACE (pre amp, compressor, EQ) Definitely one to have methinks, but I agree....8 channels of API style pres for Aussie $2500, when a digimax will cost me $2800.....It's a REALLY hard choice:D
hmmm, He does custom stuff too, and his Neve rack is like $4500 for 8 channels....which is INCREDIBLE. From what I've heard, the API pre's are punchier than the Neve, while the Neve pre's are warmer. So 8 channels of API style pres for the drums, and 8 channels of Neve style pres for the vox/guitar/bass/etc.....

Still can't believe the prices.

Have you seen Brent Averills site Tubedude?????
basically an american dude doing the same kinda thing, but asking a fair bit more $$$wise

`El Linkotron
Brent Averill racks old modules... JLM makes new ones, or at least the ones we are looking at. You're not gonna find the real things at prices like that, no way.
Anyway, here is some info...

Hi Paul

"I see your Neve and API-alikes on your website, and I have some questions. What kind of transformers and/or op-amps are you using in the signal path? "

[Joe ]
I have transformers made for me in batches of 1000 of my own designs. I do not us the brand names you mention. My cheapest transformer used in the TMP-8 is -0.5dB down at 15Hz & 350Khz unloaded. We 10k load it to load the microphone properly which cuts the response to -0.5dB 15Hz to 50kHz and it can take 0dBm in. And that is the worst transformer I use. This may seem above hearing but it is very important. Just ask Rupert Neve. There is much more to transformer specs than flat frequency response but it is hard to go into in short !

As for opamps we make two which are both 990 pin compatible. One like a minimalist neve module which runs on +/-35v. and can output +26dBm in a 600 ohm load unbalanced or if two 990's are used in balance +32dBm in Class A without the 1:2 output transformer that neve used. The other 990 is more of a normal style +/-24v but with greatly improved output drive +24dBm into 600 unbalanced or + 30dBm if two 990's are used in balanced in Class A. Also can swing +/-20v peak into 75 ohm load in Class A/B. We use these as output stage for the Neve 8 packs instead of the transformer output. We Will start Selling these everywhere separately soon at much cheaper than MMedia990's. We do see a big market in the US for these OPAMPS immediately.
We also use hand tested normal opamps with small heatsinks for the TMP-8 Focusrite style Mic pres running from +/-22v rails and a few other tricks to make a extremely pure and minimal Mic pre with 41 detent reverse log pots for the gain controls.

I've asked around about your stuff but so far have not recieved any information on it at all, which can be frustrating, or course.

[Joe ]
We unfortunately do not ship outside of Australia at the moment for several reasons. The fact that 1 of each type of equipment has to be CE , C tick & electrically approved in each country is a huge expense. Then there is servicing a warranty and needing repairers in your country. Plus the fact that since TV & Broadcast in Australia has started buying my equipment we can only just keep up with demand over here. But we are looking to sell in the US. I have been to the USA twice in the last twelve months. And it is funny you mention Mercenary Audio as I was try to get to see them last time I was there but got Blizzarded in New York for a couple of days which was unfortunate! All products are slowly changing over to switch mode power supplies with 110/240v switch on the larger units and auto 90v to 260v switch mode power supplies for small units. The new Neve 8 packs which will be three racks units high will be available in a few months with 110v/240v switch mode. It has been redesigned due to the original 12 position Switch used becoming harder to get and a much better new switch being found.

Also, how does the pricing translate to American Dollars, including shipping? I'm interested in both solid state units.

[Joe ]
The Price almost halves in US Dollars. Yes it is true! 1 Aust Dollar = 0.52 US Dollar.

You may want to seriously consider letting someone on one of the pro forums get a demo unit for a few days. I would suggest Julian Standen, a moderator at, or perhaps Fletcher at, a moderator at If your units pass with good words, you stand to sell a ton of them at those prices. is Julians address, and Fletchers is
Two respected names amongst the community, although Fletcher can be a little rugged sometimes.

[Joe ]
I will when I feel we are ready and have Australia under control. I have great contacts in the US who I have worked with over here. My gear has always been a word of mouth thing and not about advertising for 20 years which is the way I like it. I am thinking of releasing a Professional Mic Pre Neve kit for the web market with PCB everything and case for cheap as this gets around all the registration problems. Maybe that would be the quick way to start in the US for now. What do you think?

JLM Audio

I hope this makes sense as I usually type these messages and don't get a chance to reread them due to the fifty or so emails a day I try to respond to personally!

JLM Audio "Capturing Audio without Electronic Injury"
so who wants to order any of these units i know i am happy to assist people in the us buying these in parts is the way you want to go essp so you can declare them as parts and avoid the dirty government imposed taxes both ways :-))
Thats a friggin cool idea Trebles, Believe me when I say this stuff is awesome.....I don't think I'll ever whinge about imports costing so much now that I know we have someone on our doorstep that makes the stuff dirt (well maybe not dirt) cheap

Cheers dude
im glad someone is taking notice because the same deal goes for instruments as well and thats for items like custom made guitars etc i dont want to start a big debate on all this stuff

for any doubting thomas save the negative im not intrested for those who are intrested email me with your ideas on purchase of high end product my email address or icq number is in my details in bbs you wont be dissapointed :-)
Link to put it simply australia builds world class gear we more suffer from a syndrome over here that has stuck with alot from the old days and thats we looked elsewhere for whats already in our own backyards :-)

For a while id go into threads and comment about supplying guitars to us customers only to be shot down etc

well i own the gear that i talk about selling im not a sales robot programed to make sales i really love our stuff

Heres a good example

Many people will purchase a so called legendary product because of the past the truth is if you were around to buy the very products back when it was released you would have paid bugger all back then but give a product some sort of fad value and off it goes everyone wants it and they will pay whatever you ask for it good example 50,s and 60,s fXXXXXs if you wondering what that is its a guitar company im refering too :-) as the example

I took a look at those mic pres from jlm wow dam great deal sure it costs us 2500 but add up the costs of other nice pres that we could probably afford like the studio projects vt1 and the presonus mp 20 and the art pro mpa whats that about 5 chans do the conversion to usd 2458 aussie dollars without postage or tax etc remember we are talking 5 chans here in those above mentioned units he is offering 8 for like 2500 of our dollars and considering the quality how can you loose ?

buy all this in kit form and your away :-) this is where i become handy to know i can ship to you guys over there saving our friend at jlm the paper work :-) some food for thought