Check this out!! Hot Stuff!!!

thanks! acutally our Marketing director did the site. He is pretty good with Flash, dreamweaver, etc.

are you into hip hop music? did you like the music?
jdizzel said:
are you into hip hop music? did you like the music?

I am into hiphop, but I don't really dig your music. The night ryder song seemed like it was more of a early 90's gangsta lyric over a modern beat. I can't stand listening to the "I'm hard from the streets" type jibberish.
Outlaws said:
I am into hiphop, but I don't really dig your music. The night ryder song seemed like it was more of a early 90's gangsta lyric over a modern beat. I can't stand listening to the "I'm hard from the streets" type jibberish.
Agreed. To be honest, the website is far more impressive than the "talent". Production was weak, lyrics are just re-hashed drivel we've heard a million times before. Not trying to be harsh, I just think you'll have a hard time trying to get anywhere without a unique angle, and these guys aren't unique. The site was pretty impressive, though.
mbuster wrote: The forum is for sharing ideas on how to promote yourself, not trying to get us to buy your album.
oh i see mbuster. that's the point exactly. this post is no different than mine but yet i see you like to selectively bash...oh well gues i needed 18 posts under my belt yeah right!
The difference, my friend, is that I read his post as asking for feedback on his website (which is exactly what this forum is for) You were just trying to sell your record. There's a big difference, and it has nothing to do with post count.
I have searched your previous post's and it's more than obvious you're an asshole to all newbies which is fine. I wasn't selling shit just posting a link as is this thread. my words were check it out period. so with that said you're still an asshole and i am done.
to mbuster, thanks for your input. Keep in Mind that those songs done were done in our being stages, surely you know everyone has a starting point. We will be updating the site real soon, so you don't have to worry. we have a lot more in store for your listening ears. You don't have to like the new music we put up, but all we ask is that you respect it.

As far as talent: Samson and Gunz (the artists on the site), would chew you up to pieces, as far as freestyling or writing!!!!
I'm sure they would, being as I'm not a hip hop artist. I'm just saying it doesn't sound original to me. As far as respect goes, I respect anyone who is serious about making music, which they seem to be. I never said I was better than anyone (I know well my own limitations, and am my own harshest critc) and I think you and jwb should get used to the fact that not EVERYONE is going to rave about how great everything you do is. Let's not have another big long flame thread here. That being said, I welcome you both to the BBS, hopefully it will be as usefull to you guys as it is for me. Let's not have another big long flame thread here.
sure mbuster! oh, i forgot to mention as for selling a record - there is no record and the tunes are absolutely free. I was simply asking people to check it out (and feedback is a given) with no personal gain in mind.

Your are completey right. This Forum is completey helpful to me as to others. I really appreciate your opinion, that was the whole point of me asking for it. You kept it real as far as how you felt.

I thought you were a hip hop artist, which is why I said they would eat you up in any battle. Like I mentioned before, those songs were done in our beinging stages. We have been in the Lab(studio) working endlessly on new songs and tracks. I invite you to revisist the site in a couple of weeks and please tell me what you think at that point.
