Check out this tune.

Pretty good overall. I think the whole thing needs some more low end, and the vocal need to come up on the verses.
Have to agree with Doink. The chorus vocals (esp in the first set) needs to come up. Other than that, very well done. Has kind of a Green Day feel to it.

Keep up the good work...
thought the vocals were missing some warmth, like they were suffering from too much compression or something. Also agree with the missing low end. Was it clipping or was that me playing it lo-fi?
I like it. Good performances. I don't have that great an ear when it comes to picking apart mixes so I can only go by what sounds good to me. I guess thats the reason we post our mixes here. :D The guitars are money. I think the song could use another verse and chorus at the end. What are you using for drums? Are they real? I like them but I'm not sure about the cymbals. The cymbals are way better than the cymbals on my old Alesis HR16. But then again a trash can lid would sound better than the cymbals on the HR16.