Check out my website!!!


New member
Since I told a few people that I have a home studio, business offers have started flowing in. And rather than telling every single person of every single band about my studio, I thought I'd put up a website I could point them to....

And here it is....

Outside Of The Box Recording
nice litte site, but if i'd suggest to change the tewt above limiting the studio use for only demos... you migh find someone who wants an entire album recorded there which would make you more money than just doing demos
Thanks for your comments and suggestions and keep them coming!

M.Brane-I deffinately will put some MP3s on. Probably at Nowhere Radio as I only have 20 megs at angelfire. But I have some of my own work and I have a band possibly coming in on Sunday that I could post my work on.

JUSTTIGHT-I produce any music that comes to me. I'm not big enough of a studio nor have big enough a market to be picky. I myself have my own craaazy blend of accoustic work, usually using some sort of wierd sound font or sample in with my song. They tend to be long and sort of repetitive. I think they suck but most people like them. Check back in a couple of weeks and I will hopefully have a couple of them up!

eMDe-Good idea. The band that's coming in next week I'm not charging, just because I'm not super efficient with the equipment yet, and I just want to get them in asap so I can really learn it. They are expecting to record a 13 song album though. Most people I have spoken with only want to do specific projects. One girl I've talked to wants to record a song she wrote for a present to her parents. And a couple of my good friends want to do v/o's for an animation project they have in mind.

Thank you all! :)

Okay, I made that change!