Check out my songs

well no real deadline but i figure if they can hear potential with these songs u think they will fix them for free??
well no real deadline but i figure if they can hear potential with these songs u think they will fix them for free??

Who is the "they"...?

If you mean record industry people...then don't worry, if anyone hears potential, they will most likely re-record everything and use anything you provide in the demo...but, the demo still needs to hit home enough so that it clearly demonstrates the potential. There's a lot of home-rec musicians churning out really great songs and top-notch the competition is tougher than ever.

What are you promoting...your singing, the songs or both?
That instrumental is not too bad AFA reverb.

I think your main issues is with the amount (and type/length) of reverb you then end up using on the vocals.
Try going for a shorter/smaller reverb if you are going to use tons of it on many things.

In your "Tear Me Apart"'s not bad during the piano intro...but then when the vocals come in, the reverb just washes out like crazy, and you're singing your second verse and I can still hear the reverb tailing off from the first verse...way to long on the reverb time, and to HUGE. It sounds like you have a large hall reverb on most of the stuff.
oh that verse 1 i automated it so thet the reverb is tailed like that i put it full blast lol just for the end of it, but this instrumental is ok for now?? does it sound somewhat professional
I've always heard that Demo's should not have any effects, (maybe a tiny bit of reverb) because producers know what the best effects sound like and dont want to hear "Production" They just want to hear your talent.

Tear me apart is way too hot, plenty of great U tubes at much lower Volume.

Other than that I thought the music sounded pretty good, but its hard to listen too being way over done.
Robbie Reverb!

Rather than add to the engineering comments can I comment as a fellow songwriter?

I think One of a Million is the best of your songs as a whole song, although I think the title lyrics are wrong: you are saying that she is one of a million, in other words there are 999,999 others like her. Shouldn't you be saying that she is one in a million?

Summer Breeze has a great chorus with a good hook which could easily be the core of a club smash hit. Your long low verse dragged on and I got bored waiting for some action. As a songwriter I would change the song and get Gabriella to sing a contrasting part rather than repeat your soaring chorus. Listen to Eminem and Rihanna, I love the way you lie. Different but it shows the benefit of contrasting parts keeping the song interesting. Oh, and the auto-tune irritated me.

As I said 6 months ago:
I like your vocals, Robbie.
I think you are very creative, writing good songs. All of your songs contain some good elements, some more than others. I reckon you cannot be far away from a hit song with a good voice but it will depend on who you know to get the right connections. I (still) wish you all the best.
thanks a lot man, and the one of a million is meant to say she is one of the same meaning she's not special lol its for a dumb ass ex lol
I think the verdict from the majority of the posts is that there was too much reverb. Still too much? Have you remixed them as Miroslav suggested on page 2? Can we hear these versions?