Check out my new music video!:-)


New member

I released an EP a couple of months back and we also did a video for one of the songs! The video cost around 80 dollars to make and was recorded in 3 hours, This seemed like the right place to post this and i would really like to hear what you think!:-)

Here it is:

Feit`n Fra Kolbotn - Pekefingern - YouTube


I released an EP a couple of months back and we also did a video for one of the songs! The video cost around 80 dollars to make and was recorded in 3 hours, This seemed like the right place to post this and i would really like to hear what you think!:-)

Here it is:

Feit`n Fra Kolbotn - Pekefingern - YouTube


Technically speaking, very nice though I didn't understand a word. But culturally... wow. I was born in Los Angeles, spent my entire life in the South Bay, and it's freaking bizarre to see Norwegian white boys popping around and rapping like Long Beach gang bangers.

Sent shivers down my spine for all the wrong reasons.
I watched the video.

The song actually sounded good to me even though I don't understand a word.

But from the "mood" I expect the rappers should give at least a serious look instead of holding a laugh. lol

Btw, on production side, it's better if there is a little more head space on the video.
Haha!Thank you sir!..But do you think i looked like a gang banger?C`mon!haha

Heavens no! You're... ah... somewhat paler, you're not wearing gold jewelry, or have gold 'grills' on your teeth, and from what I can tell you have more between your naked ass and the world then a pair of Wal-Mart boxers while your pant cuffs drag on concrete.

But other then that rather freaky!
But is it strang that a white guy makes rap music?I mean, some of the greatest rappers are white, and not so called gangbangers or gangsters!so whats so freaky?I think its kind of cool that you think that,because the way i feel is that most of these "gangster" rappers are really fake!And how many gangbangers are rappers?hehe
I like from about 1:30 on you had my shot variety and scenes at that point to it kept me more engage as a viewer. Since it is mainly performance in the video try to get different creative angles and scenery to cut in and out of the performance parts
I like from about 1:30 on you had my shot variety and scenes at that point to it kept me more engage as a viewer. Since it is mainly performance in the video try to get different creative angles and scenery to cut in and out of the performance parts

Agreed with this comment - also great audio production and the video is well synced with the singing. Good job!
As I couldn't tie the vid in with the lyrics I can't comment on that aspect.
the 1st minute or so wasn't very engaging as it was really only a talking head in 2 shirts. Thereafter more variety helped out.
Audio is good, vid quality is good too.
i watched teh video. ditto on the language barrier. but i liket he video, the vibe and the feel come across great!
dead all that talk about gangbangers .. u just look like hip hop gear wearing type dudes ... good work
great track
feel free to check me out as well... im subcribin to ur page!

phux wit it
FULL time GRIND part1 - YouTube .. preshe8 u