Check it out!!! Funky, jazz with mandolin!!!

Hey newguy just had a quick listen, love that sort of thing so yeah, cool. As far as the mix goes level wise it all sat together pretty well to my ear, but the hats sort of seemed pretty up front and a bit separate from the rest of the kit, kick drum was pretty lost in it all too. Overall the mix was a bit bright for my taste, but i just rolled off a bit of treble and all good.:thumbs up:
Yeah, it's fine. But notice how small and thin the mando sounds next to that lovely funked up bass? The trumpet's delicious. So, coming back to the mando... I'd be looking for a way to add body to it. It might not be the jazz way, but to hell with that. How to do it? Dunno, I've never tried it with a mando before. But I'd be looking at things like delay and overdubbing and cloning and panning and detuning. Just for a start.

Like the tune, by the way. Really nice.
Same thoughts as those guys ^^^ Hi hats are too up front, and you seem to have a reverb/delay for them panned to the right more than the main signal, which sounds a little strange to me. Hard to get a full sound from some mandos miked - any chance it was plugged in so you could pull some of that sound in? Otherwise, I'd recommend tossing the mando and adding a good jazz guitar part - I know that's not your call!
The mandolin sounds like a ukulele. Gimmicky.
The hi-hats could have dropped down a dB during some parts.

Great recordings.