cheapest way to get beatdetective?


New member
hey guys, i know this topic usually causes alot of debate, everyone always says "make the drummer play better". but always due to either time, budget, or just physical restraints, drums always come out somewhat sub perfect. i do alot of manual editing but im getting really sick of it. i use apples snap to transient to insert samples in, either that or drumagog, either way i have no way of cutting every drum track, and making a tempo map and doing all of this while still maintaining a normal workflow with a band. so i use logic pro 8.2 and a motu 828mkii. i have a macbook pro as well which only has logic installed and no interface. now i know i need some sort of protools hardware to run protools, so my questions are

1, can i have 2 interfaces on my main computer? just say plug in that small Maudio interface to my main computer, or maybe a old mbox?

or should i just go with installing it on my laptop?

also i know id have to get the pro tool kit, which inclues BD, sound replacer and yaddaya, i feel bad cuz all i want is frigging BD.

is logic even working on a solution for this issue that i KNOW so many producers hate about logic. we should make a petition for apple to design a fully integrated drum editing/replacing window within logic