Cheapest Way to add 2 more tracks to EMU0404

Java 808

New member
Would like to use the optical/dig in to add two more tracks of simultaneous recording...

I've looked pretty hard and find this to be the cheapest- ART DPSII

1) will this work w/ EMU0404 .....Plug and play? or are there some tweaks in the software-?

2) If it won't work why, and what will?

3) any cheaper options?

I use Cubase LE .....
The thing I like about the M-Audio 24/96 is that I can just get another one. And link the two together via SPDI/F cables. Then have 4 inputs. And I think you can even stack more than that on there. So that's always an option for you.

Or just buy an interface that has as many inputs as you need.

Not sure if the EMU0404 has SDPI/F or is capable of hooking more than 1 together.