Cheap Preamp Preference?


New member
Does anyone have a preference between the ART Tube MP and the Midiman Audio Buddy? Or possibly any information for a technically impaired guy regarding these two that would help in the buying decision.

You can tell alot about ones financial well being when they're asking for help in buying an $80 item!
if you can make use of both channels, the Audio Buddy is fine.....

if you want a slightly colored preamp, the Art is the way to go.....

for the $$$ the Audio Buddy is a decent just wont get amazing tones out of it...very basic preamp.....
Yo E-Tunes:]

Save your coupons and go for the Martinsound mic pre.

I wish I had one.

I use the ART dual mic pre and it's all right.

Check out Martinsound on the net.

Green Hornet
Merry Christmas
i dont really know what i could recommend,
but i can tell you i dont really like the art tube mp
seems a bit noisy to be, and its also a pretty colorful preamp

good for price though :)
Tube pres of the cheapo variety tend to color the sound more than I like.Consider getting a decent mixer with phantom power.Not only will you have lots more (usually cleaner)pres,you also get all the routing options of aux and mon sends and usually pre fade listen.
The Mackie VLZ pres are especially nice in a budget mixer.

What about dbx mini-pre?

I notice that when it comes to the cheap pre-amp question, nobody ever seems to mention the (relatively) new dbx mini-pre, which is obviously meant as a response to the popularity of the bottom-end ART stuff. Has anybody tried these yet, and how do they compare to the competition?

You didn't really say what you were going to use it for or with, or what kind of music you play ( in other words, what kind of 'sound' are you going for?) which might have some bearing on what you should be looking at.

Give more info, and you'll get more back.

And etunes, when it comes to the lack of funds, I hear ya brother, believe me!

trebles, I'm convinved - you must work for that company. I've seen you posting all over this place about that preamp. I've never heard of it or the company until I read your (multiple posts)...

come clean! you work for them don't you! :)
I will be using it for both vocal recording (songwriting demos) and acoustic guitar work in and out of recording office (no studio yet - please refer to initial post for clrification).
amonte i live in australia

i just like posting urls when i find them to assist others i,ll give you a big tip and many who have spent and lost money will tell you the same there is no quickfix in buying gear which is junk the pre ive posted here looks good for what it is ive never seen a true review for it so i cannot really judge untill ive seen true benchtest specs but i will say this for the price i dont know how you could buy 8 mic pres in one unit

buy nothing tillyou trully know it will serve your purposes fully as carefull planning and balanced decisions will lead you to buying gear you can be happy with and also get many years use out off

theres nothing worse then having to sellit off at a fraction of what you bought it for because you made a mistake in the first place read this article i,ll post here then take alook at these pres sure they will cost you more but iam sure in the long run it will be money well spend

read on
i read what you asked e tunes go buy the art simple your question is answered there are already enough post on this already use the search button this saves people repeating themselves and leads you to what you want it also save you key strokes as well :-)
amonte im very relaxed just trying hard to assist you here im only a beginner myself but i do have a keen eye for best buy deals im just trying to assist this is all if you read what is said and take the advice on iam sure you will be happy long term with what you decide to do
I work for none of the companies i mention in posts.

Why do i post multiple info for the same urls in various place?

Well i feel the subject mater has some benifit to those who will be reading it even those looking for the cheaper product
it may just save them from spending the little money they have and steer them into a pattern of saving and spending only when the correct piece of gear surfaces.

In the end the choice is still theirs to decide.

What makes me such an expert?

I am far from that i just see too many posts of the same deal wander into microphones and rackgear forums and count how many shoot outs for the best under 400 dollar deal or the best cheap this or that that gets posted at the rate of seconds how many times do these get answered over and over how many searches are done to look for these very posts which contain essential info you need ?

seems the search button dont get used as much as it should and iam sure many will back this up

there seems to be no behringer mixer on special which will solve all your studio woes or an all in one box which will launch all your dreams either all these things have their place but dont expect miracles and audio perfection on a budget you will be better served reading about how it all works rather then how much you need to get iam quickly learning this myself because i too asked many stupid questions in the past.

Its simple there are good equipment deals out there but you have to slow up a little and look at it all from a more technical point of view forget the sales bullshit put that out of your mind

maybe when you study into the gear side more carefully and find out that what you seek dont come up to scratch on a closer look this then may inspire you to keep the green folding stuff in your pocket.

Im not saying dont buy cheap stuff as there are great deals out there to be had but unless you look more closer at what you buy the only thing to be had will be you.