Cheap Pre Amp choices?


New member
Hi there, I am new and I apologize if this is in the wrong section.

Either way, I just bought an SM57, and now I need to upgrade my soundcard and get a mic pre I suppose. So, I really dont want to spend more than lets say ... 150 at the most, for both the card and pre. Is there any reasonable way to do this?

I will only be recording one input at a time, for a while now, as I only have one mic. I guess having the possibility for two would be nice, but isn't at all essential.

I will mainly be recording acoustic guitar, some vocals, electric guitar micing the amp, ambient stuff like rain and such, and stuff like that, maybe some small hand percussion.

So, what are my options for that low price?

Do a search. This topic has been beaten to death and a search will yield ridiculous amounts of info. Also you can surf zzsounds and pretty much find what you want with little to no help.
Ok, I did search before hand and couldn't really find anything. Sorry, I will just try again and check out zzsounds. If anyone still feels the need to help please do haha.

Sorry once again. And thanks for the tip.
$150 is really only feasible if you buy used (and want any semblance of quality on a tight budget). The M-Audio DMP3 preamp (2 channel) is $160 new, but can be had for under $100 used on e-bay. M-Audio also makes an inexpensive 2-channel soundcard (the Audiophile 2496) that is about $100 new, but significantly less used. I think there was one listed recently in the Free Ads/Classified forum on this board for $55. Happy hunting.
michael_lifshit said:
Ok, I did search before hand and couldn't really find anything. Sorry, I will just try again and check out zzsounds. If anyone still feels the need to help please do haha.

Sorry once again. And thanks for the tip.

Well I typed in cheap pre for the search and got tons of stuff including a thread you started just yesterday about the same subject. Really man do a search and read read read, its the best way of putting together info. There is no way a search for something this broad would yield nothing, also cheap pre's and sound cards are discussed daily on this and many other boards.
Yeah I dont know what I typed in earlier to not get results, but today upoon trying to search again I got all the results I would ever need. Sorry once again.

I really do always search first, I know how annoying it can be to get asked the same questions time and again.

Yep! So I think I am going to go with that audiophile soundcard and an audiobuddy or something to that effect.
