Cheap Drum Mics for Scratch Tracks


New member
I want to set some cheap mics on my drums for scratch tracks. I'd like to mic kick, snare, 3 toms, and occasionally two overheads. They will run into a MOTU 8pre in case that matters to you.

Also, in case it affects a recommendation, I'd prefer mics that utilize clips - so I don't have to buy and use too many stands.

Any and all thoughts are appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
Some guy here is selling these Naient mics cheap...and alot of people here like them as thier good that may be an option.

Ive bought SM57s for like $20 each before...and that is pretty good if you can find them.
Some guy here is selling these Naient mics cheap...and alot of people here like them as thier good that may be an option.

Ive bought SM57s for like $20 each before...and that is pretty good if you can find them.

20.00? Man I'd kill for a deal like that.
You can get clip mounts that will fit any mic you want to use, btw.

Look for used mics where you can. The Naiants should work well for overheads and toms. For a kick drum mic, I can't think of a cheapo one that would work very well, but you might find a used kick drum mic. I found an AKG D112 for $60 - it was dirty, but it cleaned up well.
Why do you want to set up seven mics for a scratch track? And who cares what the interface is? Seriously, set up a PC mic into the mic input on a Soundblaster, it doesn't matter if you aren't going to use the tracks in the final mix.
New, and on a Budget:

Condensers: A Pair of Niants (beautiful tonal/spatial separation between drums---much like an Octava MK-012) or a matched pair of Karma K-Micro Silver Bullets ($26).

Dynamics: GLS57 mics for snare, tom, etc.; Nady DM-90 for kick (often on sale for $40).

Reread MSH's post.

Why do you want to set up seven mics for a scratch track? And who cares what the interface is? Seriously, set up a PC mic into the mic input on a Soundblaster, it doesn't matter if you aren't going to use the tracks in the final mix.

All that really maters there is that the snare and bass is able to be heard clearly so the others can keep dont need much.
Thanks for the replies.

Yeah I know clips are widely available - but some mic kits come with clips included. I added that info in case it affected someone's recommendation.

For the record - I'd like to have seven mics for scratch tracks because I don't much care for tracks that are horribly unbalanced - even scratch tracks. Its just a preference. I also mentioned the interface on the off chance that it affected someone's recommendations - IE interfaces without enough phantom power to run a sufficient number of condensers or so on.