Charvel EVH guitars

go to warmoth and build one for 1/4 of the price of that thing. I love Eddie Van Halen, and liked the EBMM and the wolfgang, but this charvel thing is rediculously overpriced.
It probably is a nice guitar but is nowhere near what should it cost. The whole concept that its a reproduction of a guitar that he pieced together and probably cost very little being sold for thousands of dollars is ridiculous, I dont care who plays it.
I visited the WARMOTH store online, but I am so lost! I could not find any Charvel body types. It should be fun to build one. But getting the finish will be tricky though, especially the striped colors.
amt7565 said:
I visited the WARMOTH store online, but I am so lost! I could not find any Charvel body types. It should be fun to build one. But getting the finish will be tricky though, especially the striped colors.

You might want to look at warmouth again for "strat" bodies. There is an obscure guitar called a "stratocaster" that is the same shape. If you do go ahead with the tricky paint job, count on at least 3 minutes of intensive masking tape application per color and 5 minutes to shake the rattle can.
ibanezrocks said:
It probably is a nice guitar but is nowhere near what should it cost. The whole concept that its a reproduction of a guitar that he pieced together and probably cost very little being sold for thousands of dollars is ridiculous, I dont care who plays it.

Totally true. If there's anything about that axe that would make it sound more "EVHish", it would have to be the pickup. But even so, the closest I ever heard to EV's sound in-person was plugging a pretty standard Ibanez into a Fender Cybertwin set to "Brown Sound". If you want to cop EV's sound, I'd say get that amp.


Perhaps you should take up a new sport, like knitting!
Peavey Wolfgangs are still a good buy and lots out there. Reasonably priced and the PUPs are the real deal.
I gotta admit, though, I would be interested in the setup of the one that he actually played that was on ebay. I've always been curious about the action and string gauges that he uses. I don't think 10 grand is too far out of line for a colloector. a player might not go for it, but there are alot of guitar geeks that are well-placed employment wise and could throw money around like that for rec-room decor.