"Chapter" - British style - Help Me Someone.

It's a pretty clean sounding mix, but you might as well have sung blah blah as the lyrics are very hard to hear. Maybe that's deliberate, the cymbals seemed a little overwhelming with it cranked up to decent level, and overall the track seemed a touch light in the low mid area. There is a fair amount to like about the track, it woke the penicillin up on my coffee cup. Thanks for the listen.

It's sounding pretty good! I'm not sure if you had the chance to read what I posted on the last thread you made, but I'll paste it here because I think it's still something that needs to be addressed in this song:

The guitar is pretty piercing. Some cuts around 2-3k wouldn't hurt, just to mellow it out a bit. True double tracking (two different panned guitar tracks) might help out to fill it out as well, instead of the stereo widening effect you have on it now.
It's sounding pretty good! I'm not sure if you had the chance to read what I posted on the last thread you made, but I'll paste it here because I think it's still something that needs to be addressed in this song:

The guitar is pretty piercing. Some cuts around 2-3k wouldn't hurt, just to mellow it out a bit. True double tracking (two different panned guitar tracks) might help out to fill it out as well, instead of the stereo widening effect you have on it now.

Thanks! I've missed your last post...im working on it right now, im re-recording the vocals to make them sound more undestandable, and im recording the second guitar. I'll post the song when i finish :)
I think the guitars sound too thin. Maybe not thin, but certainly not enough low end. There are parts where the lack of low end makes me want to just stop the song, which is a shame because I really like it. It reminds me of Bloc Party.
I inproved some things, and recorded rest of the song. How do you like it now?

Przemek Ś - Chapter

For my defense - I think it will be no better at this point. Im using only my guitar and cheap MIDI sound card for all this recording. For the vocals I used simple computer mic, and for bass and perc I used VST plugins ;p
It's definitely better, but I think there's still some work to do on the guitar. What's your recording chain for the guitar?
I agree the guitars are a little thin. But I wouldn't add too much low end. I think the "thin-ness" works fairly well in this mix.

I think the guitar is kind of dominating everything else. I think the bass needs to come up like 4-5 dbs.

Drums are a little weak. I think this mix needs a powerful snare. Snare sounds OK, but it doesn't have much power. maybe just turn it up? Cymbals are a little swishy. Kick sounds OK.

I'm usually not a big fan of "unnatural" vocal effects. But I kind of liked them in this mix.