Changing the tempo on a loop Hmmmm Time related settings.

Pastor Clyde

New member
Ok so I havent got all the time related settings on Reaper figured out . Of course I need to read and play hit or miss for a while . But for now I have a question I need answered so I can get the initial aspects of my current project finished . I am recording a pattern I made at a certain temp on my Roland and sending it through my Mbox . I Want to do is be able to change the tempo in smaller increments than I can on the Roland. I am guessing the easiest way to keep things simple is to start off with a clean slate and have the single track as a project and then import it after adjusting the tempo and rendering and then importing it into my main project . Do I set the tempo on Reaper down on the bottom to the same as what the input tempo is at then record it and then alter the tempo and Render ? Thanks ! PC
Set the starting tempo in Reaper at the bottom.

To change the tempo throughout, move the cursor line to where the tempo needs changing, use [Shift C] insert new BPM vaues.
Set the starting tempo in Reaper at the bottom.

To change the tempo throughout, move the cursor line to where the tempo needs changing, use [Shift C] insert new BPM vaues.
So far I just set the tempo value for the tempo of the pattern I was recording . What I want to be able to do is change it a little without affecting the tone.It isn't necessary at the moment , but it will be. I think I know what you mean , I can change the tempo where ever I want to so for a selected time section where the curser is . I will mess around with changing the tempo a couple times within a piece and see what happens when I play it. Thanks
The first part is to set the tempo and various changes in Reaper.

Then you can import your pre-recorded pattern and place it where you want it to go. You can change its length to fit the various tempo changes by pressing the [Alt] key while clicking and dragging the end of the wave to stretch or squeeze it.

There is an option to preserve pitch while doing this (right click on the wav and go to properties (from memory)).