Changes in N


New member
Could someone please tell me how I go about doing the following changes?
What do I have to do to use the ASIO drivers?
And how do I go about changing the selected Midi output device?

In other words...
You don't know

How about these???

I wonder if you could tell me what the sampling frequency in n-track should be? 44100? (file/settings/preferences)

Also, When I record it sounds good. But when I play back it clips. Is that easy to fix and how please

In other words, you're too lazy to RTFM.

Yes, keep it at 44.1khz unless you're using a Soundblaster card or a DAT machine that only uses 48k.

If you're clipping you need to change the buffer settings,

The ASIO settings, MIDI device settings and the Buffer settings ARE all the the ****ing preferences and well explained in the manual and Help file.

RTFM and don't be rude when someone offers you help.
Thanks Tim... I needed that!! (slaps himself across the face)

It's nice to know and have someone willing to offer their advice even when someone is being a dick.


I really get a kick out of the acronyms here on this site (reffering to RTFM)

I hate to do this but...
Something is not syncing right when I add a new track. It is delayed from the rest of them.

For me to record I have to hit the record button "then" hit the little green light under the recording VU meters.

If I don't do it in that order, n-track shuts down on me. What gives?

PS the manual nor the help buttons haven't helped and I have a headache so I'm quitting for the evening.

Tim (and all)

Here's what finally happened.
I needed to re-load n-track completely.
This I'm sure brought my buffer settings back to the original default and I could add tracks without having delay probs.