CEP Basics - EQ


New member
OK, a couple of questions about EQ.

First, how high is too high. Is boosting the eq by 3 high? or 30? Is there a standard limit that i should never go over.

Second, are there any EQ level standards that I can at least start out? i.e. Vocal levels should have the high-end boosted, acoustic guitars boost mids (i have no idea if these are correct, they are just there for reference.)

And before the veterans go off on the old "EQ levels are different for everything", I understand that. I just want something to start off with. (I'm learning, you know).

Boosting 6dB is often a maximum. If you can't make things sound good and you need to boost more than 6db your doing something wrong.
Mic positioning is the best eq !

Try to cut rather than boost. And don't eq something just because you "have a spare eq band"

Work with you ears, not your eyes.

And don't forget the "q" ... some plugins have a standard q of 7 or so wich is rather narrow ...

There are many articles available on basic eq positions for each instrument.
It's been written down too many times
(Try not to genaralize ! - I had to say that :))

hope it helps