Celotex Soundstop - any good?


New member
I was wondering what everyone thought of Celotex Soundstop? It's the brown insulation board. I am making a small enclosure for a vocal booth and was considering hanging this stuff from my bed loft and using them as walls or placing them on top of particle board. Does anyone have an opinion on their ability to absorb sound in comparison to say acoustic ceiling tiles or blankets? Thanks
If you can, wait. The Celotex stuff could be a lot better, as could most of the absorbtion products on the market.The reason I said 'wait' is because the launch date of the newest acoustic product is just a couple of weeks away. It's been in the works for a while and its better than anything out there. I've been able to beta the stuff and I'm hooked. When it's on the market I'll post here and you can check it out for yourself.