cd's pressed wrong with release show soon, what would you do???


New member
our order of 1000 cd's came in with our cd release show on friday. one problem...on our disk instead of saying "The VERMIN" it says "The Virmen". if this happened with your stuff what would you do?? would you keep (x) amount to sell with it saying wrong and sell them, or would you rather have them sent back, get them all right, and postpone a release show? let me know cause some of us have conflicting opinions, i would like to know what you think. Thanks Guys!!

If it's too late to get them redone by Friday:

Was the plan was to recoup a good chunk of the costs producing the CD? If so I'd keep them, sell them at the show and send back what you don't sell, to be redone at the duplicators expense.

Now, this is assuming that the spelling mistake was the duplicators fault, and not yours.

Even if the plan was not to recoup production costs, the window is probably too small to get them redone anyway, so I'd do the same thing for both scenarios.

Postponing a release show this close (this Friday right?) would be a disastor if you've sunk a lot into advertising and promotion. Postponing I've found will cut the audience turnout in half, fast.

What a drag! (somewhat funny for the ones not involved though... reminds me of the stonehenge scene in Spinal Tap)
yes, this friday, the 26th. i guess maybe next time we should wait till we actually have the cd to schedule our release show. oh well. i guess we're just gonna keep a hundred or so, and have to duplicator fix the rest, which he will do because it was completely their fault. yes, like Spinal Tap, something is always bound to go wrong.

Hey Ralf,

I own a CD duplication facility and can tell you if it was there mistake they "Should" redo a rush order for you a 100-200 units just for the release party...Then redo the rest in normal time. I wouldn't want to have a release party for my band's cd after months of practice, rehearsing, writing, recording to have the last step come mess it up. I am sure they can bang out some correct units for the party.
the place that did the artwork had everything correct. but the factory they sent them to get pressed had to redo the type setting for some reason. the person must have been a complete idiot. if that we're my job i would look at it a hundred times and make sure i got it right. i would fire that person if they worked for me.
Where did you have it done? That is not acceptable... bitch and moan and keep what they gave you and make them do a complete reprint. If they sent you a proof, what the hell did they send the factory? The factory should have been sent negatives or plates or something that the proof was made from. The factory should not have been sent an editable format. I worked for multimedia duplicators for 10 years and never saw that happen. that's the whole purpose of the proof!!!
whether or not you get replacements, you'll probably end up keeping the botched lot (it's not like they can use them), so give them out or sell them. Most people may not notice, or they may think it trendy to intentionally mispell the word. whatever the case, the alternate spelling will not break the association between your band and this name.

screw it. it's a minor issue. if some day you guys hit it real big, think about the value those discs will obtain with the alternate spelling! those fans lucky enough to own these discs will be happy people!

what counts is your music, not a transposed "e" and "i".
try this.

go ahead and release your cd at the release professional.nobody wants to hear excuses.but make the best of this .when they are buying your cd point out the flaw and tell them to write their address down on you mailing list and you will send them an insert correcting the you have their surprise them.get it done right but take somepictures of your show and audience and shrink them and print them on the new corrected cd cover somewhere.also send them a sticker and a news letter and so forth.if you want to be a band ,then do it .all or nothing.if you dont like this idea then get it fixed before the show ,do what ever it takes .be pros not some slacker band.
ha....ha.....weren't you the one posting a thread a month or so back about "whether to change the band name or not?" -------- I guess you didn't change it huh? Well, looks like it was changed for you *lol* ..........Hey maybe it's a "sign".......If it were me I just keep the new name man.....It's not much different anyway.....Good luck whatever you do