cdrw with pro9 and xp


New member
I was reading an article and it mentioned having cdrw capabilty with xp.Can you go back and re-edit a work after burning it to cdrw with pro9?
I'm thinking that you're not asking this question correctly,or I'm not understanding it.
Do you want to reopen a cakewalk file(.cwp,bundle etc.) or a simple stereo mixdown wave file?
The CDRW part is what has me puzzled.Cakewalk in itself has no CDburning capabilities,all archiving,burning must be done in a different program.
Please give us more details on what exactly you would like to do.

Perhaps I'm wrong or misunderstood.With many of these new recorders you can use a cdrw disk and leave the song "open" to re edit ,or add to ,when ever you want but you're right...cakewalk does not do the actual burning.Thanks for your input.
Perhaps I'm wrong or misunderstood.With many of these new recorders you can use a cdrw disk and leave the song "open" to re edit ,or add to ,when ever you want
Okay,now I know what you want to do,and yes you can do it.
You simply save your project as a a bundle file and burn that to a CD.
You can reload that project back into your computer or another with compatable software and open up the project for editing.
You must then save the new version and burn that to the CDRW.