CD volume


New member
Went out of town for a week and took a demo of a project I've been working on for a while. I've just left it sitting for awhile, but had the idea that I would make a cassette of what I have and listen to it on the car stereo to see what it might need. There were 8 songs on the cassette and all sounded alright except for a couple of things.
1. Different volumes- I know about normalization using n-track, but some have said that it degrades the sound? If this is what I need to use, what do I do? Normalize all to 0db?

2. Even though on my PC speakers all songs seem to have the same eq, on the car stereo they did not. I guess my ears got screwed up somewhere along the line, because I was equing for all to sound the same. They don't all sound different, I just wanted all the songs to be somewhat alike. I wonder how they do that on pro recordings? Every song can have different effects and still sound the same. I guess part of it is spending $$$ for mastering.

Anyone have any thoughts on this let me know. I guess I will be satisfied if I can just get all songs to have the same volume.