CD burning question....

Still' Dreamin'

New member
O.K. :cool:

So I have a final mixed product. Burned it, (Nero)....sounds great! Playback on any media software does not identify the artist. For example, WMP9 shows the CD tracks numbered and 'unknown artist' for each.

How does one get the final CD to show the artist's name, and name of the song during playback? :D
Uh, I'm pretty sure that info comes from a database on the web, not off the CD itself...
I did a little more research and found out that most modern home and auto CD equiptment is capable of reading CD TEXT...It's not just the internet? :confused:

Anyway my car Cd reads Cd text too! :D

WMP9 uses both Cd TEXT and the internet to display the artist name and song titlle. :cool:

Good news is that my cd burner and software supports music Cd text burning. (I just found this out)!

Nero 5.5 and up and my Cendyne burner! I'll test it tommoro.... :D
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I thought the media programs looked at a unique identifier on the CD, like a bar code, then looked that up on the web, and a service like CDDB hosted that info along with artist and track names. Now if you are referring to a CD of mp3's which you have burn't, some CD players and DVD players can now read the ID3 tags on the MP3's and show that info on the screen, hence the artist name and track name.

If I'm wrong, please do prove me.. that's the way we all can learn.

I'm driving my sister-in-law's car and she's got a CD player like that, but no text is ever displayed from any of my commercial CDs... so perhaps that CD Text was an idea that was developed but never really supported by the record industry?
Here is some referance info I found on CD TEXT:

Not all commercial CD's have CD TEXT....they started this sometime after 1997. Some CD's have it marked...some don't. Some Cd players read it, some don't.

Anyway, my software and burner have this capability. My Home DVD player also shows CDTEXT and it plays back virtually anything burned.

I just wonder if the final mix export from Sonar transfers this data to the burner so one does'nt have to re-enter all this data again? :rolleyes: