Cassette to cd??

Yo Scotty of Readiness:

I saw your post in another forum and it was answered. Since you have no answer here, I'll pass on mine.

I use the Yamaha 2816 and have taken stuff I recorded on a Tascam 488, long ago, and re-recorded it in 16 bit and then burned the CD, which is part of the 2816. Great results.

Of course, the better the tape, like DAT, the better results. Since I had mixed the older tapes with reverb, etc., I just recorded it as it was. 16 bit is cool sound.

There are other ways to transfer to CD, like Masterlink, or any other CD burner, as well as a PC with the CDR burner built in.

Good luck,

Green Hornet:D :p :p :cool: :cool: