can't relate


New member
Hello everybody,

I've been stuck in audio-book hell for the better part of the year. This is the first mix I've done in a while. I thought I'd fling it to the wall and see if it sticks.

The band is called "the situation." They are from Philly. Let me hear some of your thoughts, the good, the bad, the ugly.


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A very "live" sounding mix. I expected to hear audience noise when it ended. It almost sounded like some early Stones as far as the sound goes. If that's what you were going for, then you succeeded. If not....then I would have liked to hear the instruments have a little more body to them and their own "space" in the mix. The vocals sound pretty good to me. The cymbals don't have much presence and have a "machine" sound to them. The kick needs to come up.
All in all....a pretty good sounding song...a little too garage sounding for my tastes though.
Thanks for listening.

I felt the same way about the cymbals. In fact the drums as a whole I'm not too happy with. The track was recorded to DP3 in Philly then sent to me to mix. After importing the audio files into protools, I discovered that the drums were recorded to 4 tracks. Kick, Snare Top, Snare Bottom and Mono Overhead. I tried, unsuccessfully, to create a "stereo field" by panning the snare top 20% to the left and the mono overhead about 35% to the right. I then added reverb panning a little wider to recreate a space.

I'll bring up the kick a few db, what can I do to help with the overheads.



ps. I was just told that Howie Weinberg will be mastering this next week - yikes!
Well that's a crappy way to use 4 tracks for drums. If I was using four....I'd have a snare, a kick and left and right overheads. Actually, overhead's not the right term. I'd have a left and right approximately 40" high and out in front a little bit.

Of course, that doesn't help you at all. I don't know what you can do. I'd turn the overhead up a little to get a bit more cymbals....maybe bump up the EQ around 8k to 10 k. that might brighten them up some but if they recorded that's gonna be hard to do a lot with it.
this must be part of the...'vines hives..white sound i like this ...."i cant relate"..thats a pretty good hook...although the recording isnt the best quality...the feel of the song shines thru pretty clear..and its good.....can you clean this up at all and repost it .so we could make out more of the words.?.....please?

waiting for the repost..
Cool song. Vocals are almost completely inaudible. This reminds me of like, REALLY early stuff from THE WHO; accent and all, but fresher.

Turn the vox up, please?

A New Fan
Alright, I'll do it!

OK. This morning I listened again. I felt that the vocals needed to be re-eq'd and leveled out a bit more with some fader automation. I then brought down the entire mix except the vocals by 2db. Then I felt that the kick was still kind of weak so that went up 2db.

I also put some ddl on the backgrounds and pitched them down 2 cents. original on the right, pitched and ddl on the left.

Thanks again for the input. any other thought would be appreciated.

In my amateur opinion, you've still got the vocal mixed like it's just another instrument. I think the vocal still needs to go up like, 3 db, but that's me.

(it wouldn't hurt my feelings any if you cranked the bass up a bit too).

The song's got a great vibe...and I THINK the vocal is really good, but it's still damned tough to make out. Have you tried this little trick...listen to the tune, and try to make out EVERY SINGLE WORD the singer is singing...keep turning it up until you can. Then repost it and see if anybody bitches about it being too loud.

Keep going...don't call it "done" yet????

This is a cool song, very retro sound. I agree it has a club feel and the vocals could be more front. And where's the kick drum, maybe I got the wrong version? Not bad, I like the feel. Just needs some polishing. Good job so far, keep it up! :D
very white stripes indeed. it's a good song.

i don't know, this doesn't sound real polished to me. it's real stuck in the mid range imo. the bass guitar sounds good but that's where it ends. the guitars just don't have any of the stereo fullness that i'm used to hearing nowdays. the vocals sound like there is no saving them. they are sitting very close to the guitars in the eq no high or low end presence to help them cut through.

the drums! ahhhhh! one overhead. ahhhhhh! what were they thinking? two mics for the snare and one for the rest of the kit. where's the love?

sorry to be so harsh but damn if someone sent me this to mix down i'd be tempted to send it back. not that anyone would be foolish enough to send me anything to mix :)
very white stripes indeed. it's a good song.

i don't know, this doesn't sound real polished to me. it's real stuck in the mid range imo. the bass guitar sounds good but that's where it ends. the guitars just don't have any of the stereo fullness that i'm used to hearing nowdays. the vocals sound like there is no saving them. they are sitting very close to the guitars in the eq no high or low end presence to help them cut through.

the drums! ahhhhh! one overhead. ahhhhhh! what were they thinking? two mics for the snare and one for the rest of the kit. where's the love?

sorry to be so harsh but damn if someone sent me this to mix down i'd be tempted to send it back. not that anyone would be foolish enough to send me anything to mix :)