Can't Launch Logic Audio!


New member
Hope someone can help me!
After installing Logic, I've been trying to get my driver config right (Logic couldn't "read" my Tascam US-122). In the process of fiddling around, I have somehow pissed Logic off-- now when I try to launch Logic I get the "intro" screen (with the logo, the programmers' credits, "initializing sequencer, etc.), but then all that disappears and nothing happens. I try to launch again, same thing. So now I can't even GET IN to Logic to solve my original problem! I don't know what I have done, but I'm hoping someone has some tips as to how I can get Logic open again.
erase your entire computer and reinstall everything from the OS to logic again....of course back up your music and whatever other files that are unrecoverable
I would try uninstalling Logic, reinstalling the drivers for your interface, and then installing Logic again before doing an entire wipe of your computer...It won't take nearly as long and may solve your problem...
Okay, I'm showing my tech stupidity here (I'm just a musician who wants to make the fancy machine work!), but can you tell me exactly how to do this de-installing of logic and the drivers, and "wiping" if necessary?

I don't think just re-installing Logic is going to do it...I think you have something hanging around in the registry that is causing this..
lets start with basics.
please detail your computer confign in full.
if logic wont start up something is serious with your system.
also tell me if you use your pc for other things like on line chat programs etc. you could have a screwed registry for example.
but lets start with basics.
in the interim try uninstalling logic. then try reinstalling and see if you can get the main logic screen display to come up.
also tell me how old your pc is. if its older its likely you dont have the required usb support, thus 122 problems.
i need also to know memory, what OS your running etc.
I have a Mac g4 with osX but I still use os9 (yeah, I'm a dinosaur). I don't do any online chatting, but I recently trashed my Cubase files (when I got Logic). I also run Final Cut Pro, Adobe AfterEffects, and some random sound programs I got from those free CDs that come with musician magazines (downloaded synths, etc.).
Does this answer your question?
ryman. altho i'm a puter engineer i'm no expert on the mac at the low level internals of mac OS.
all i can do is give you pointers, and suggest you talk to tascam and possibly apple tech support as i dont want you mislead.
from the little detail provided , and as you say you are running an older version of the mac os , if this doesnt support usb 2.0 then possibly this
might be a reason for some problems. but i'm honestly not sure.
frankly i stay away from usb for sound due to the many issues ive seen with it. problems seem to vary from computer to computer. on some it works well, on others it does not. i really think you need to talk to an apple interrnals tekkie at apple co and i doubt any user forum will help much. sorry.