...can't hear this one anymore...

I'd have to say the mix is very good.
Nothing is jumping out.
I can hear everything.
I like the drum sound.
Hey, I really like the sound you have on the lead. I'd say the drums sound like there's too much high end there. Around 1:32 the bass is way too loud for that part, and in other parts like 2:40 for that lead break. Media whores, I like that line. Very interesting song. Really great solo
Cool, Doors without the keys.

The intro is neat, interesting groove setup.

Like most of the lead guitars, melodic.

What I like most is the chord progression, nice stuff!
Yep, agree with everything being said. Cool chords. Good mix. Lynx' nitpicks are my nitpicks.
The contrast between the closeup guitars and the solo guitar with the distance and the verb on it works well.

The sound on the cymbals doesn't work at 1.44 - sounds like something going slightly off.

I'd'a sung 'son of a bitch' differently. It isn't a phrase that ought to be sung like you're trying to get the intonation right LOL.

I'd'a brought the vocal up closer.

Yup, mere details. Good mix, right down to that last delicious note on the guitar.

Just for the sake of what I might hear, I listened to 'Mando and the Firefly' as well. It's noisier, but way more open, and I like it better. It's the openness that works for it - that sound on the guitar is, for lack of a better word, 'open'. The interaction between the two instruments works excellently as well. Don't throw the other one away LOL. But Mando and the Firefly is way better. Interesting, yeah? Far simpler, and no words, yet it has more to say...

My mileage may vary...
Hevy :...thanks for the listen....the drums are a digital kit
played by the Buckster...

lynx :...the lead tone was compliments of the POD...I'll be
taking another listen for those loud bass parts you
spoke of....added some high end to give the toms,
kick & snare some definition and punch....maybe too
much....Buck will be glad to hear that you liked his
"new" line :D ....thanks for your comments and the

Emeric ..."Cool, Doors without the keys"...hah!...Buck will
really dig that comment!!...glad you liked the
gits and progression (that's my work ;) )....thanks
for having a listen, always appreciate your take on
things....especially a positive take!!

Pedullist thanks to you too for stopping by!....I'll be going
back over things with lynx's suggestions...

dobro nice to have your input on this!...don't know what I
can do with the cymbals...digital cymbals suck no
matter what....hah! Buck's phrasing...lol...I always
argue with him on that...I had the vox more out front
originally but pushed it back to hide some things...
after so many versions I started losing my
perspective....it's nice being able to come here and
get some fresh ears on things!!...thanks for checkin'
out "Mando & The Firefly"...that was a fun project...
one of the few internet collabs I've been involved
with that worked out well...dtb's playing had a lot to
do with that one having "more to say"....
Drums are too far on the left, the kick sounds as if it wants to rip off my left ear :) Sounds like you put them there to even it out because there wasn't anything else there? Try and move them more central. Other than that it sounds good. How did you record it?
CanopuS ....drums too far left?....hmmmm...I don't hear it...
there is no panning on the drum track(s) other
than any pan adjustments Buck might have made
on the kit when he played it....but he's always kept
the kick centered....the tracks were recorded to an
AKAI DPS16 (except for the "new" vocal tracks)....
I burned the AKAI tracks to CD, ripped them back
off and imported them into Sonar for a re-mix...
the vocals were redone directly to Sonar.