Can't hear MIDI in playback


New member
I'm trying to record drums into Pro Tools 8 LE using Steven Slate drum software. And i'm using a Korg padkontrol to trigger it. (on a Mac)

I get a signal in Pro Tools and I hear everything. It records. But there is no sound when i play it back. What could the problem be?

Thanks for any help. Still learning here.
I'm trying to record drums into Pro Tools 8 LE using Steven Slate drum software. And i'm using a Korg padkontrol to trigger it. (on a Mac)

I get a signal in Pro Tools and I hear everything. It records. But there is no sound when i play it back. What could the problem be?

Thanks for any help. Still learning here.

Well how are you recording it? Are you using an aux track going through a bus to an audio track by chance? If that's the case then double check your output bus on the aux track is set to the right bus that the audio track is receiving.. I had this same issue two nights ago, and that's what it was in my case.. I had switched the input of the wrong aux track to go to my record bus by mistake.. so the actual aux track the audio was running through was going to the master, so I could still hear it.. but it wasn't recording obviously since it wasn't going through my record bus..

This is a complete shot in the dark really.. I'd imagine you've already double checked the routing having come here and posted this question.. but that's all I can think of without more details. Hope this helps some.
I had an odd glitch about a week ago with a similar issue. I moved the instances of my MIDI plugs to a different insert and then back and that did the trick. I'm not really sure why this worked or what the problem was but I haven't had an issue since.