Can't edit effects settings with Numberpad


New member
A friend came over to show me some of his cubase projects. He didn't change any settings, but ever since he's left, I can't edit effect settings with the number pad. For example, if I want to change my delay time from 200ms to 77ms, I can't do it by simply typing "77" with my numpad. Instead, I have to use my mouse, which accurate only to about 40ms (meaning, I can't go from 1 to 6; I can go from 1 to 40 at minimum).

Does anyone know where I can reset this?? I set my preferences to default, but still, it's not functioning...
Its on. What do you mean by "is your keyboard set to insert"? I pressed the insert key off and on, but no change.
Fixed the problem. I had to go into the "key commands" menu under "File" and manually delete the pad settings. Resetting to default values didn't work on it's own b/c apparently that IS the default (though I'm positive I never changed it before).