can't control midi delay in cubase 5 R vst


Jitens Half Brother
this seriously puzzles me... i've just gotten a new stationary computer since my old one broke down for good about 8 months ago... installed xp and couldn't wait to load up my old stuff on a new computer... now, i use the delay (delay of MTC) alot for groove effects, but the function refuse to react to anything i do... it simply won't change from 0.0...
oh, and there's also some sort of delay after i click the mouse on the main arrangement window till it allows me to make a selection box or move some bars... and it's very consistent...

help anyone?
well... cubase *should* be xp compatible, right? i know new and improved versions are out, but i can't afford it... cubase 5 almost broke my economy (and my novation supernova did :D) and the bastards charge for new versions...