Candidate for the Comp CD?

Jon X

New member
I wouldn't be posting this in such an unfinished state, and probably wouldn't have even recorded it so quickly if not for the Comp CD coming up. Which is good because it got me off my butt and recording again. There's no vocals, or even lyrics for this yet (and might not ever be.) It's a blues/rock type thing. I play the guitar riffs to warm up with mostly, but decided to try and record it this week (sorry songwriting, I know.) I recorded the drums and bass for it in one night, and put the rythm guitar part on there last night. I just punched in the entire solo section by improvising this afternoon for two takes, and it generally sucks and needs to be redone. It gives an idea of the song though, and I wanted to get something posted before I head out of town for the weekend. I think the mix needs lots of help too, so rip it apart. Does it have potential for the Homerecording.Comp CD, or is it back to the drawing (uh, mixing) board for me?

The URL is

It's around 4.5 MBs, 4:45 in length.

[This message has been edited by Jon X (edited 01-19-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Jon X (edited 01-19-2000).]
Are your fingers reaaaalllllyyy damaged by the hyper bass riffs?...I wouldn't have had the stamina...real clean first I thought I was hearing a new intro into an old Hendrix song but ya fooled me...can't see why this wouldn't work on the comp cd...non of us probably can say we're 100% content with what we might submit, but if you think you need to re-do, then go for it...sounds pretty good to me as is...sometimes a rushed project captures something that is cooler than the original intent, sometimes not....I liked the's pretty long, tho, you might think about that....gibs
That got Sid (SG reissue) all happy. Just got back from an extended headphone session playing along to your mix (jacked up a semitone in Sound Forge XP) with my POD. I loved that scronk on the rhythm guitar on that 7th#9 chord. But what's up with the tuning? Seemed to be just a bit flat of Eb.
I verified this with my concert tuned Canvas in Cakewalk. And it was a no-go in Netscape. It worked fine in IE. The file I ended up with from the Netscape browser download would pass for experimental music. But you'll have to get your own 4-way Windowpane.
Thanks for the replies. The bass line sounds harder than it actually is I guess, because the part that wore me out was playing the drums on this thing. Of course, I'm not a real drummer, I just play one in bands. As far as Hendrix goes, I'm obviously a huge fan so if I subconciously rip off his songs, it's totaly not intentional, so let me know if that's the case and I'll scrap whatever tune I thought I wrote. I agree it's kinda long, especially in consideration of the 3:00 limit that was proposed a while back for the Comp CD. I did see several others in the 4+ range, but can definitely cut this thing down some if I submit it for the CD.

drstawl- With the tuning, could you tell just by hearing it? If so, very impressive. The tuning is wacked out on most of my stuff. I sometimes tune to Eb, but most of the time I'm just a little lower. It's the way things sound the best to my ear for some reason. I guess I've played for so long in an "off" tuning that my guitar sounds in tune when it's just a bit lower than Eb like you mentioned. Weird I know, but it's worked well for me so far. I always have to change my tuning when I go help out as a fill in band member for several of my friends though. Is there a problem with me playing in this tuning? I have no idea about music other than how stuff sounds to me, which leads me to the next thing: I have no idea what you are talking about with that 7th#9. LOL. I've never had a music lesson of any sort, and I've so far been too lazy to learn any theory on my own. Thanks for the compliment. I just wish I wasn't so ignorant that I could understand exactly what you mean. :)

I'm also not sure why Netscape had the problem. I'll have to download Netscape to check it and see if I can fix the problem. Thanks for letting me know. That experimental music file sounds interesting.
I ain't got perfect pitch, but I tune to standard concert tuning, so when I jam against something else, it's quite obvious.
Don't sweat it if you know what's going on. You're the final arbiter of what's right. As to the chord I mentioned. You need to grab a copy of Jay Arnold's 7488 Chords and woodshed until you understand the relationship between what you already know and the naming conventions already established. You'll be thanking me in the morning.
Those are canned drums if I ever heard 'em... If you played a real kit in real time on this I'll kiss your ass.
I aint buyin' it.
Whatever S8-N, if those ARE canned drums then I will kiss his ass. You can't get natural fills like that with a drum machine. And the decay on the cymbals...he'd have to be using some very expensive samples. Pucker up dude.


Great tune. Very SRV in my opinion. And similar to what these new blues punks are dripping out, but more natural.

You've inspired me to get going on some of the blues that I've been putting on the back-burner. I'd might want to work with you on some stuff down the road, would you be interested in an internet collaboration?

Anyway, it's comp CD worthy in my opinion. Your rhythm is nice and tight...though your lead needs a bit of polishing. I realize that doing it all at once is NOT an easy task by any means.

Slackmaster 2000
On the drums both of you are right in a sense: It's the Roland V-Drums kit, which contains some of the best samples I've ever heard AND allows for the natural feel of a drummer. Good ear for the sound S8-N (thanks for the guitar tone compliment too), and good call on the fills Slackmaster. I did play the drums real time from start to finish. Not even a single punch to fix a mistake or cover anything up, which is VERY unusual for my drumming.

Slackmaster - I'm up for some Internet collaborating. Thanks for the offer. I agree about the lead playing on this song, and I really need to learn how my own song goes before I start trying to play the lead part. :) I tend to get ahead of myself once most of the backing tracks are complete and think I can just make stuff up completely for the lead and it will turn out sounding good and all SRVish. (Yeah, right... but I can dream.) After two takes on the lead for this one, I got back into reality real fast, and now I can spend a few days writing the lead part and maybe get something that isn't as bad. Thanks for putting the "more natural" into the comparison to these other new blues punks. I can crank the distortion, get out the wah, and really wail on the guitar any time. It's a real challenge to me to get a nice, almost clean tone recorded and still sound decent with my playing.
Ha Ha!!!
I dont have to kiss anyones ass!!!!
And whats the deal with that snare???
Hey leroy, you one bad muther, after 3 tries I finally got this bad bitch down, SRV shit should I say more? okay HENDRIX! look I dont care what you think, I dont care what anybody here thinks, you got th shit man..(did you really play the drums too?)fuck! my drummer wants the v drums and after just what I've heard I hope he gets them. lets see fender strat for sure, fender super reverb, tube screamer ts 808? tell me I FUCKING WANT TO KNOW PLEEEEEEASEEEEE! Jon X you made my day thank you..
Hey Slak... Maybe you can sell the rights to your footswitch and buy some mouthwash... You're gonna need it... Next time maybe you'll take my word on the CANNED DRUMS tip!!!
Jon X,

Finally got a chance this morning to download and listen to this tune. I have to say you would be wasting your time with this one...NOT!!! An awesome tune; can't wait to hear it with the lyrics! You have definitely nailed the SRV sound. I gotta know your setup on the guitar rig. Tube Screamer? Amp?

BTW, I got some inspiration for lyrics for this. Let me know if you'd like me to e-mail them to ya'.

Again, great sound. Maybe one day I can come close to your standard of playing.
Slackmaster was right though on the high end samples, doesn't get much better than the ones on the V-Drums in my opinion, and he also picked out the fact that it wasn't a drum machine but me playing... So, lucky for me neither of you have to do any kissing.

S8-N, what were you asking about the snare? The way it sounds or the way I played it? I didn't spend much time setting up that sound, as I wasn't planning on posting this when I first started to record it. I kinda like the way it ended up, but definitely want to hear all opinions on it. That will only help me make the track better.

Thanks a ton, Ranger, e-mail me whatever you have for lyrics on this if you don't mind. I'd love to see what you came up with, although I am very tempted to leave this one an instrumental at this point. It takes me forever to come up with lyrics.

David, thanks for the high compliments that are really more than I deserve. I'll take them though. :) I'm glad you enjoyed it, because I'm still listening to "Idaho" quite a lot. I really dig that Pink Floyd vibe going on with it. For my tune I'm not sure what all you want to know, so here's the whole, long, boring deal: I used a Strat and a Fender Deville amp, with a Digitech (I don't recommend this to anyone, there's much better stuff out there) effects processor with a tiny amount of distortion and low gain so I don't have to crank my amp up super loud in order to get a decent sound. I miked it with a single SM57 right into a VS880. The bass is direct through my newly aquired POD, which works much better than my old way of running direct without anything in between. Like I mentioned before the drums are the V-Drums, four channels out (snare, kick, and everything else on a pair of stereo tracks.) I compressed the snare and kick like crazy when I mixed down to the computer. The V-Drums are great, the best money I've spent on recording/music gear. Allows me to just play drums, as I suck at miking drums kits to get the sound I want. I really respect the skills of those of you that have songs here with kits miked in home studios that sound great. If your drummer plays live quite a bit then the V-Drums are great for that too. I can setup/teardown completely in about 20 minutes average each way, and it gets faster everytime I do it and get more practice. I do spend a lot of time editing the sounds on each factory drum kit to build my own kits the way I like them to sound. I've had them for almost a year, and I'm still trying to learn the best way to record them. The thing has so many output options that I could almost run each drum to a separate track, if I had enough inputs to be able to record that many tracks at once. The heads on the V-Drums are almost like playing a real kit, by far the best in electronic drum kits, and allow me to do everything I was able to on real drum heads. Anyway, now for the bad parts on the V-Drums: Even though the cymbal samples are the best I've heard, they do tend to not sustain as long as real ones, though this could probably be edited somewhat if it really bothered you a lot. The hi-hat is also not as good as a real one. It took me quite a while to adjust moving from my real kit on this. All cymbals are also just those hard pads, so it feels kinda weird at first. With the factory kits, they have way too much reverb on most stuff for me. Sounds neat to play with headphones, but forget trying to record them this way. I still think I left too much reverb on the drum tracks I recorded for this song. By the way, I recently played that new V-Drums kit Roland just came out with, for like $1,000 less, and it really doesn't compare to the full kit. $1,000 is a ton of money, but worth it to move up to the Pro kit in my opinion. Man, this post was way too long. Gotta cut this thing off right now. I hope that answered your questions... without giving you too much more than you wanted to hear.

[This message has been edited by Jon X (edited 01-22-2000).]
Well I'll be...

Sonofabitch. You want that with tongue or without?

I thought that you were rolling on the snare intentionally...and I really thought that you just had a really crappy snare drum. In fact I was going to tell you to tighten up the snare.

Aw shit, it was "human" feel to the rhythm that threw me off..which was of course due to the fact that your actually playing.


Slackmaster 2000
Every snare hit sounded like a cadence. Like you are hitting the snare and the letting the drumstick bounce on the head untill it lays flat. It could be some kinda funky digital reverb you are using... I dont know. Definately doesn't sound NATURAL.
By definition: CANNED= sampled drums... SLAK is gonna toss your salad for a man!!!
I listened to that snare closely, and I see what you are both talking about. I did have the snare sound setup very loose, and it did have too much reverb on it like I was talking about before, which made it worse. I also rolled the snare too much, because I'm not much of a quality drummer. Add those three together and I hear exactly what I need to change now on the drum tracks. Which is what I wanted: Tips on making the tracks better, and being able to narrow down what the problems are. Thanks for the input.
Hi John X. I just listened to your tune and I was very impressed. Would you be interested in playing drums, bass and lead guitar in my band?

Really, I enjoyed the tune a lot and am looking forward to hearing it with vocals. Wish I could play like you.

BTW - thanks for listening to my first post, I appreciate it.
