Canadians... (even if you are not a student). they have good priced on m-audio, echo, edirol etc. not a lot of brands though. is more of a computer part store but they have creative and more importantly some m-audio stuff as well. using the big name stores like and such doesn't work for me because they don't ship to canada. i think might tnough. As for real stores, the usual suspects like long and mcquade and better still: axe music might have something. Long and Mcquade is usually behind the times in terms of software so i don't know how they are with hardware.

if you find any other sources, post them as well.
Yeah that's it... the biggest problem is that they lack a good variety of brands around here.

Just gotta find an American site that ships to Canada...
Steve's Music has a store in Montreal. I got a couple of good deals from their Toronto store on an M-Audio Audiophile 2496 card and an M-Audio DMP3 pre. They were a good $60 cheaper than for the 2496.
DJ. buying recording equipment in canada where we live is a losing proposition for the buyer due to high prices etc.
this is why i saved a bunch of money by building my own mic pre's.
my mic pre diy costs 20 bucks to build.
for sound cards and other items....a strategy is to buy used out of your local buy and sell newspaper. ive found lots of deals that way.
Steve's Music should have anything that you need and if they don't they can order it for you. I bought most of my stuff at Steve's in Ottawa and lots of times they have to bring it in from the Montreal store.
hey Jkestle, good find.
I had checked that place out a while ago and it was not good at all. I just checked it out now and they have a lot of the newest stuff out for decent prices on most stuff. Some items are more expensive than but some are cheaper.
i find kellys is generally more expensive, but being in Canada is definately worth something to me.

Also, do they charge both GST & PST I wonder?

I got to me by word of mouth, and that's not bad either.
Check Out Long and McQuades (sp?) they've taken right over with stores everywhere. Prices are very good and they will take the gear back, or simply rent it to you for a month. Whatever they have to do to make you sure about your purchase, that's pretty much what they told me when I was shopping around for a ART V3 preamp.
When I visited the store the audio guy kinda turned me off the V3 and I walked out with a JoeMeek threeQ for the same $$$. I can't complain at all. My only problem now is wanting more 3 more 3Q's and some other sweet goodies I spied while I was there.

I live 2hrs from Toronto and 1hr from London, there's three L&M store within an hour drive. I'm all set. :o
L&M have great prices from my experience.

Been around for a long time, but getting to be Canada's Guitar Centre/Musicians Friend may not be the way to go.
I live in Winnipeg and buy from stores as well. Long & McQuade has always been able to beat the mail-order prices (Musician's Friend, etc.) and I can leave the store with it under my arm. :)
That's the key, you leave with it under your arm. Sometimes you get a good price on something on ebay but you end up being over charged on shipping then paying the shipping twice once it comes over the boarder. Let's not support that anymore.
where to shop?

I buy some from L/M. They will quote you for a piece of gear and are usually about 5% higher than you can bring stuff in for, but that can be worth it for the support. I buy some used gear on ebay, but you can get hosed on shipping (go USPS.... no brokerage robbery that UPS does) :D