Can you Recommend audio electronics books?


New member
Hello, i was wondering if you could recommend any audio books which explain and give schematic examples of different audio effects processors. And basically tell you what is going on in the circuit and why certain part of the circuit exist etc. I have an in depth electronics book already (that is really too in depth, and sparse for my needs).
Well I have been reading a eBook called "Teach yourself Electronics" which is used as a Text Book for teching Basic electronics at Harvard University....

It has different sections and at the end of each section it gives you a Quiz to make sure you are Paying attention....The Book is a 9 Month electronics Cource at First Year college level....

It is mostly theory and very easy to understand and without any major math knowlege....

If you PM me I can probably tell you were to download it...It is a Good Book for a Electronix Newbie which explains many electronics theories which you need to know before you can really go anywere in electronics.....

Another Good Book on audio electronix is "The Audio Power Amplifier Handbook" and also is "The Art Of Electronics" which are very good Books on audio electronics but they are quite advanced....

Yeah, i've got the art of electronics, it's very in depth in the wrong areas for what i'm needing, seems to hit you with something very simple then slaps you back with mathmatical theory. I'm horrid at maths. I can never remember any formulae :rolleyes: .