Can someone help with midi tempo problem

Kellie's Dad

New member
I step-wrote one measure of a drum beat. I then copied and pasted the same measure 1oo repetitions. Doing this as a alternative to a metronome. When I try to adjust the tempo only the first measure is affected by the change, the other measures zoom along like they are locked into the original tempo. I know this is probably something silly but I can't get it. I've tried unchecking and checking tempo change in the paste properties. Thanks for reading.
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Have you tried looking/using the Tempo View in Sonar? Or are you using Insert Tempo off of the Insert Menu?
Could this be the problem? The project file is just something I call "practice tracks" where I sing and play guitar (more like screech and play guitar). The audio in the audio tracks has been deleted but maybe the audio is still somehow attached to the tracks, making tempo changes not work. I think I can do this easily with a brand new project where no audio has been recorded. I'll try it.