Can I Sing?

I do not consider myself a great singer by any means but I love music and vocals are a key part of me liking a song or not. I could definitely listen to this during my free time just to listen. Nothing about your voice glares and distracts me from the music. Like everyone said, practice.
By the way, I love the song as well. Never heard it. You have inspired me to check out the rest of the band's songs.
One more like for ya. Your voice definitely has potential. I can see in the video that you 'feel' when you are off pitch. That is what bad singers do not have. Spend time working on your accuracy. You definitely have a natural talent to build upon. Keep at it man. Oh, and welcome to the forum dood. :D
I like your point about feeling or knowing when yourself is off pitch. Watching the video again, I can see what you are talking about.
I think you have a good voice. However, if you really want to be a good singer you should probably get some lessons from a reputable voice instructor. Maybe take a voice class if you're in college. Many great soul singers started in church choirs. If you are a "churchy" type this could be a great place to get training for free. Many churches now hire professional choir directors. You have good raw talent you just need to develop it.
As for your detractors, they probably are the envious types. Just ignore them & do your thing. AND... practice, practice, practice.
Good luck to you! LnA
Your friends obviously are deaf. Ive read all these posts and there is a lot of good advice but I think the greatest thing about your video is there were times where i could tell where you got lost in the song, and not in a bad way ,in a good way. Singing on key is obviously important but whats more important is a connection to what your singing. Sing like you dont care is my advice...people will see and hear that and will respond in a good way even if you do hit some bum notes..attitude can carry you.
I cried! Wait, it's allergies, I am cutting onions? Men don't cry? Seriously though.. Do you live in the suburbs? Just playin you can sing, probably better than me in some aspects(most aspects). I would like to see you write your own material! I do, and I don't know how to sing. I just do it, I get in the dead zone. I like the fact that you push the boundaries of pitch and tone. Art is never limited and anyone who tells you otherwise most likely is an asshole or in a cover band. Much love and keep hitting the notes that cause you the most trouble. Life is limitless and some people think art is staring at a starving dog through a glass box. What!! PETA!
I clicked and was expecting to hate it but I really liked it. Your vocals range is excellent and I think you are very suited to that higher range (tenor)
It's a little pitchy in places, but not bad. And it's a live recording, which is a good thing. I believe singers are born as well as trained/practiced.
I think you have a very nice voice. Yes there were pitchy areas but those can be smoothed out with practice. Remember to open your mouth when you sing, though. Phonetics is a large part of singing and you really want to sound out the words you're singing.