Can I re-sell my Cubase SL??


New member
So I have Cubase SL and will no longer be needing it as my computer has died. My question is, can I resell this item to someone and will it work for them. I figure as long as I give them everyhting that it came with (install disks and dongle key) it should be ok right? I only recently bought the program a couple of months ago and still have the registration form to mail, so the buyer could use that as well I assume.

Any thoughts?
If the s/w uses a dongle, then yes, someone else would be able to use it if you sell it.

It's when s/w ties its "license" to something like your Hard Drive serial that you'd have a problem - or rather, you couldn't resell it because no one else could run it (unless you sold them your hard drive too!)
I bought a used Cubase SX package from a user that went to another program. Now trying to upgrade, I have found this out:

There is a $50 ownership transfer fee charged by steinberg to make any ownership/ warranty transfers legit. (If you never registered it in the first place this may not apply) Also, the second owner must have a registered ( with steinberg) copy to buy any future upgrades.

You may want to give a copy the original sales reciept ( less any sensitive info ) to the second owner so he can use the info to properly register it. i.e where it was purchased from, etc..
