Can I do better than this?


New member
Hi guys,
I have a question regarding vocal mic, I am using Rode NT-1a right now, but I dont like they way it sounds on my vocals, I tried to record couple of times tried different placements and EQ but its kinda harsh to my ears, I really dont know what I am looking for, hard to explain but maybe when I hear what I want then I can tell, you know what I mean? but some smoothness will help for sure, I am reading this microphone board for couple of weeks after reading a lot of topics and search I came up with some options:

ADK Vienna
CAD M179
MXL V77 (hard to find)

can you please suggest which one will suit me better in the same price range (used) or you have some other suggestions?

here is the song I recorded with NT-1a with EMU1820m.
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I they might be a little more than you're price range, but definately worth saving that extra month for, but take a look at the Rode NTK, or the AT 4050 and 4057. The NTK is Rode's best mic IMO - I love it for vox, and it's tube like some you've put down. The 4050 is a smooth, relatively flat multi-pattern and the 4047 is on of AT's Tube mics. I like em all. I hear lots of great things about the mics you've put down, just be careful not to step backwards with your new mic, rather try to make a step up in quality...

The NT1 is bright from what I hear, so is the v69, So i'd say if thats your problem is the harsh top end, then don't go for the MXL
jkokura said:
The NTK is Rode's best mic IMO - I love it for vox, and it's tube like some you've put down.


I've never used the NTK, but I have used the Rode K2 a lot and I'm pretty sure it's much like an NTK with variable patterns... I'll agree here... Rode, if within your budget would be a good choice...
you guys listened to the track? I think what I am talking about is that vocals sound like AM radio sometimes (I didnt use much EQ), for some reason they dont give the impression that they were recorded clean and have some distortion although I was very careful with the levels and they were not clipping at any point, thats something I want to avoid, if bright means Airy sound then this is something I want with a sense of cleaness. I tried AT 4033 before Rode but didnt like it. by the way I am renting mics until I find one I like then I will purchase that one.
Let's hear it before EQ and solo'ed. Your monitoring could be a source of trouble for all we know. From what I hear it's a bit essy but not horrible.

You would probably like something a bit smoother like the AT4050
jake-owa said:
From what I hear it's a bit essy but not horrible.

That's what I heard... I listened to it twice... I'm sure since it's your song, you've listened to it much more than that... Not exactly my genre, but the vocals did seem a bit edgy...
what essy means? ;), yeah edgy is the exact word I guess, ok let me tell you guys what I mean. to me vocals sound like lo-fi to my ear for example if you hear a 32kb mp3 sounds gets distorted thats what it sounding like to me ;), or another example could be it sounds like that I am using some kinda overdrive/distortion on the vocals :) make sense? let me add solo vocals with no EQ.
I can't listen to it here, but I promise you I'll listen when I get home. Anyway you say that they sound better solod than in the mix. Thats probably saying something right there. Are you doing spacing when you mix or are you just mixing to sound good. Some of the darker parts of the vocal track may be getting taken up by something else. I can't say much more 'til I get home. You also only say that solod sounds better, does not EQed sound better too? I rarely EQ my vocals, then again I'm using a KSM 27 most of the time and that has a very dark sound to me. Maybe you should think about that one if your is to essy.
