Can I borrow your ears?

Boo Radley

Hi All,

Been lurking for a few weeks, and I've gotta say that this is an unbelievably awesome board. Learned more here during my lurkdom than umm.....ever.

Anyways, if you get a moment, please check out my tune at my page and let me know what you think.

Your feedback is most definitely appreciated.
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Nice feel to the song. Very clean recording. How was it done....Equipement, techniques used etc....? Very cool song, and welcome to the board...
Thanks for the positive feedback Dogman.

I’m using a Boss BR-1600 to do all of my tracking. All of my guitar and bass sounds, were derived from plugging directly into the unit. Vocals were cut on an AKG 3000B condenser. The drums were programmed from this unit as well.

Once I get the raw tracks completed, I’m exporting into my computer, mixing in Acid Pro and Mastering in Sound Forge.

I’m doing all of this from my bedroom…nothing fancy by any means. A bit of a convoluted process but it seems to be working out okay.
Cool song... I like the 60's guitar riff. Tight rhythms throughout. Vocals are excellent. Well recorded and the occasional sibilance would be easy to fix. Bass gtr might be just a little too hot in the low end. 2:26 sounds like a momentary pitch issue with the vocal. Maybe it's intentional but the vocal line there sounds a little off to me. The layered guitars are great. I think the repeated Batman type riff goes on too long without variation... starts to sound like a loop and doesn’t fit the expressive nature of the vocal IMO. It made me half expect to hear an occasional "Boom!" or "Wham!" chromatic guitar chord punctuation like in the original Batman theme... and you know, that might actually sound good in there if done in an understated way. Or just an occasional addition of the same type of guitar lines you added later that sound so good.

Hey, Boo. I dig this tune! Very well put together and recorded. I was thinking the same thing that Tim mentioned about the guitar riff going on a little bit too long without modification though. While I was really digging it at first, it started to get too repetitive for me as the song went on, but I think that just adding a layer or two over some of it would help mix it up a bit. I would also suggest starting in with the vocals 4 bars earlier (at around :20) which might help with that. I really love the surprise of the chorus though - the guitar sound there is so fresh and feels so good maybe because we've gotten so used to the clean sound of the 60's riff, so I would hate for the song to lose that, so if you do add some stuff to those first 2 verses I would not use that chorus guitar sound yet. Maybe you could leave the first 2 verses with nothing else on them and just put a little extra layer on the verse after coming out of the first chorus once the singing starts again. That should also make it feel even better when you bring it back to just the pared down riff at the outro. I could have even gone for another "On me..." at the end - that was nice. Very interested to hear any more stuff you put together or anything you do to this one.

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Again guys, thanks for taking the time to listen and for the feedback.

Timothy, once I burned the track to CD and listened to it in my truck the sizzlelilibence became very apparent….maybe a de-esser or a multiband compresser will fix?

Also, it appears I’ll have to come up a tad on my low-end on my monitors (I’m using Roland DS-50As) and I’ve had a tendency to mix the low end a little hot.

I went back and listened to 2:26 and it’s intentional. I wanted a bit of a dissonant type of harmony ala Alice in Chains….hopefully it’s not too dissonant.

As for your and guttadaj’s comments on the recurrence of that riff…I see what you’re saying. I’m toying with the idea of doing a little surgery and chopping it down some for the “radio version.” :D

Listening now, very clean.

A nice mood tune!

Anything I could add would just be personal preference.
Nice layers and balance.

Good work!
Boo...I'm not obsessed with the technical stuff in music I hear. If a song moves me it could be recorded into a Panasonic cassette player for all I care. I'm saying this because I love everything about this song. The lyrics, the melody, the arrangement, the simplicity, the unexpected ending, your voice...I can go on and on...I did find a bit too much high end (sibulance) in your voice, but who cares, that can be easily fixed... I love the tune, and I hope you have more. I can tell that you are incredibly creative and you know exactly what you want from a song. You even have a cool look in that picture...And I say that with an unblemished record of total heterosexuality...Make more music, dude, I want to hear more.