Can A Computer Play The Blues?????? Okay, record them.....


New member
Just me playing, a friend singing, trying to emulate that English blues type of thing. EV RE15 and Rode NT2 on kick, SM57 and Audix pencil on snare, Q7s on toms, AT 37 OHs, Reaper, Ibanez cheapo bass, custom built strat, AZR3 organ, Mr. Ray wurlie, Shred amp sim, POD spring reverb....


  • Hard Times 4 Heroes--JJ Johnson feat.mp3
    6.7 MB · Views: 37
That's really good man. Sounds great and bad ass stuff :thumbs up:

Only thing I'll mention that could be improved is there's a bit too much sizzle (compressed high frequency range?). Maybe roll a little something off. I can hear it on the high hat/cymbals especially and it's not that bad here, but I think it could be smoothed out a little. Maybe it's just me, but it seems to fatigue my ears quickly.
Really, really like the tune and the playing. Got an impression of the snare: the verb's perfect when the hits are sparse, but as soon as the snare part busies up, the verb becomes too obvious. You're getting away with it because it sounds delicious. But you don't have to. I bet the song would sound just as good with that verb reined in a bit.
Actually, most of the perceived snare verb is on the "klank" guitar part on the two and the four (old r'n'b trick), not much verb on the drums at all. And if you are VST-based, that spring reverb is free from Line 6, best I have found. The drum summing is on Bootsy's "Nasty VCS", also free and super cool for summing. And thanks for the listen, we all sort of work in a vacuum once our friends and loved ones find out that we are gonna do more than one
Really, really like the tune and the playing. Got an impression of the snare: the verb's perfect when the hits are sparse, but as soon as the snare part busies up, the verb becomes too obvious.

Exactly what I am hearing. IMO the snare is a little too up front as well.

Love the guitar playing - that's the star here. Right now it's kind of behind the snare.
yeah, I am sort of continually modest about the guitar business in my songs, in terms of levels. A boost is probably called for...thanks for the tip and the listen....JJ
Great tune. nice guitar tone and playing. pretty good mix too. the only nit I have is some of the drum fills didn't seem to flow very well.
Some pitch correction artifacts and it feels like it might be a little too maximized, that's all I got. Awesome performance.
Some pitch correction artifacts and it feels like it might be a little too maximized, that's all I got. Awesome performance.
No pitch correction here, I have found that it makes things weird more than it helps. I have recorded a few "singers" where it was the only thing to get them close, but I dislike it on general principle............
Wow I'm sorry, I wonder what it was I heard then? It was a glissando kind of thing, like at :54. Guess that's just your natural voice, damn my ears! Great vocals man.
I really liked the guitar playing and tone. Vocals sounded great too.

Heard some crackles around :30.

The vocal is much dryer than the rest of the tracks and is a bit loud.

The drums were way over compressed and had too much reverb. I'm hearing clipping on the snare in quite a few spots. I'm hearing some pumping on the kick too, but it's kind of cool.