Camera Freaks, this is your thread!

Why I otter!

I love that pic Freud!

Besides the obvious cute scrutinizing Otter look, the ripples in the water behind him look as though someone drizzled a few layers of paint to spread into a Kaladiscope effect of muted colors...awesome!
Hey True,

Thanks! Ya the otter was not real please to see me :) I was hiding in the brush as he swam up and when I finally stepped out to get a good picture he stopped and raised up out of the water like that. It sort of freaked me out because he was so big. His neck is as big around as my head and his nose is about 2 inches across. He quickly got over it though and sank back into the water and disappeared.
I got several pictures of him that day but this one was the best as he was 10 to 15 feet away.

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Nice one! :)

Was this taken with the 50mm?

Cheers! :)

Thanks Ghost,

No this was taken with a tamron 70-300 with image stabilization or what they call VC / vibration control.
I really have to say too that the lens is pretty damn nice. The VC on the thing is flat out awesome. I got some pictures in the first real good light I have had and it's very sharp. I will try to post a couple 100% crops.
Now with Canon having done away with the 70-300mm AF IS lens, I think people will really be looking at the Tamron VC lenses if they can't afford to step up to the "L" lenses.

Here is a pic from today. 100% size with no edits or color correction.
taken at 300mm, 1/2000 shutter speed, 9.0 aperture, ISO 1600.

Hmmmmm. somehow the site has cropped the pic and imparted a artifact in the picture let me try this again.

OK Fixed I think.

Thanks Ghost,

No this was taken with a tamron 70-300 with image stabilization or what they call VC / vibration control.
I really have to say too that the lens is pretty damn nice. The VC on the thing is flat out awesome. I got some pictures in the first real good light I have had and it's very sharp. I will try to post a couple 100% crops.
Now with Canon having done away with the 70-300mm AF IS lens, I think people will really be looking at the Tamron VC lenses if they can't afford to step up to the "L" lenses.


I didn't know they were discontinuing the 70-300 IS non L series lens? I thought they were just adding the $1500 L version to the stable. Bit if that's the case, then yes, the tammy's may grow in popularity!

Anyway, we'll look forward to seeing more stuff from you and with spring arriving in a few weeks, hopefully more stuff from me too!

Here is a pic from today. 100% size with no edits or color correction.
taken at 300mm, 1/2000 shutter speed, 9.0 aperture, ISO 1600.

Hmmmmm. somehow the site has cropped the pic and imparted a artifact in the picture let me try this again.

The shot's fine but the site does automatically resize any image wider then 800 pixels. :(

I've brought it up as an issue in the forum feedback section but the mods/admin here aren't interested in upping it to 1024, which most sites allow.

Cheers! :)
I fixed the original post. You can see the pixilated look in the shading the first picture had.

On the Canon lens. According to the guys at Pro Photo Supply in Portland (who appear to know their stuff) the usm/af/is non-L is no more.
They did away with it when the L came out.

I am clear back on version 7.0. I don't know what version you first started off with but, do you think the saturation and contrast adjustments have gotten any better over time? I know the processing quality of adjustments differs greatly between some of my programs I was just wondering if you think adobe has improved much over the last decade or so?
My experience with their products only goes back as far as Photoshop CS4 and Photoshop Elements 6 so I can't really say what the past 10 years have done. Within the time frame of my personal experience, (3 years), the raw processing has really made some massive leaps in exposure control where you can now essentially do full HDR processing off of a single exposure if you can manage to shoot without blowing out any highlights. This one development alone gives digital more control beyond the exposure range that film photography offered. Beyond that, just more refinement of all the other controls have been made a bit more easy to use and require less steps to get done what you wish to do.

What I would suggest is that you try the free 30 day trial and play around with it to really get a sense of what you're missing out on. There's way too many changes to realistically describe them all here.

Cheers! :)
If I try it I will have to buy it :O . The processing really does not see to great on my version. It does do better than the stock windows programs but, the canon program that came with the camera does put it to shame in a couple of areas. I am hoping to find something with better contrast processing. Of course just having one program that does everything well would be nice :)

Just picked up Photoshop CS5 and played around with an older file to see what it could do!

Cheers! :)

:drunk: Cool. One day you gonna have to cough up your secret recipie for editing. Your photos always have a sort of high contrast desaturated look. I'd love to try it on some of my own.
:drunk: Cool. One day you gonna have to cough up your secret recipie for editing. Your photos always have a sort of high contrast desaturated look. I'd love to try it on some of my own.

Thanks! :)

The recipe is not really one I could spell out in point form...sort of like grandma's recipe for one of her special dishes, it's in my brain and I could do it more or less the same each time but there's no set tweak levels that are always a must. And what good is a secret recipe if it ain't a secret? :D

Cheers! :)