Cakewalk/Roland tie-up. Takeover coming?

Jim Y

New member
A little bit of Cakewalk news that only came to my attention on a chance look at the Cakewalk sites news section is intriguing.
Cakewalk and Roland have entered into a joint product development agreement and Roland have purchased Cakewalk stock (currently, less than 50%). Outside the US and Canada, the current system of per-country local distributers for Cakewalk will end and Roland/Edirol will take over the whole region. For UK customers like me, this is sad as Et Cetera Distribution have been excellent in my experience. I don't see Roland being that good.

On the one hand, this could be a good thing as it will mean better penetration of Sonar in Europe where the awful Cubase reigns supreme (SX may be ok, but I'll never forgive Steinbug for VST3).
On the other hand, Roland aren't known to respond well to product faults. Updates arrive unannounced with no explanation of what they do etc... An Oriental fear of losing face if mistakes are admitted?

Hopefully, Rolands inexperience in software will put them off interfering with the Cakewalk line, but you never know. I'm reminded of something I read that audio software companies are being hit so badly by piracy, that the only remedy will be to tie the software to hardware. A future where the only way to run Cakewalk will mean buying a Roland interface?
