Cakewalk prob - soft synth


New member

Anyone know if this is a known issue? I'm trying to patch a midi to a soft synth. I get the first 3 or so notes and then nothing else. If I press space bar for start and stop it will play the first 3 notes at any part in the song, but will always stop. I had it working last week, and have no friggen' clue why it's doing this now. Damn software
It's no known issue that I am aware of.

Maybe try raising your buffer count. Options > Global > Midi > Playback. Mine are set at 1000.
Is it a "dropout"?
How CPU intensive is the project?Maybe you need to increase latency or back off on some plugs.
If you want to get back to lower latency settings,you could try cleaning your audio folder,archiving tracks,eliminating plugs or sharing them on the busses.