Cakewalk Pro 9 and XP


New member
I just got a new computer, and it (obviously) has Win XP. Are there any compatibility issues? Can I install it and expect it to work?
...Sure you can run it well. I readed in their site that it's not actually designed for running under WinXP, but found absolutelly no problem running it.
PFDarkside said:
I just got a new computer, and it (obviously) has Win XP. Are there any compatibility issues? Can I install it and expect it to work?

Why not upgrade to Sonar? All that extra horsepower is going to waste with PA9 as it does not make as good use of WDM drivers as Sonar would.
Hmm... I have CW9, and I'm really not a pro by any means. Just some recording of demos, then recordings of my band. How much does Sonar run? (Did you acquire it ahem...legally? ;))
I'm running CWPA9 under XP and using a SB Live! Value card. No problems except if you ever hit a website asking to install Quicktime for midi don't. LOL, I had to find out the hard way. ;)

Other than that, things work great. Though I have not tried to record directly to HD and will not since I'm going with the Fostex MR-8.

Overall, you shouldn't have any problems.
hmm funny i had to manualy install cakewalk pro 9 onto my xp system picking and choosing what files would be installed before it actualy worked. of course i had to leave out the last file on the list (dont remember what it's called) before it actualy would install and work well.
I use PA-9 with XP with no problems. I tried the demo of Sonar and it refuses to work at all. I tried many of the suggestions from people on this forum with no luck. Sonar keeps saying the audio device is being used by another program. PA-9 is doing what I need so I'm not going to sweat being out of the Sonar loop.