Cakewalk disk problem

Metal Marc

Pretend Action Guy (PAG)
I am having a severe problem with Cakewalk Pro Studio 9.0. My CD-R drive is NOT reading the disk. My CD drive is not broken because it is reading every disk I put in there EXCEPT my Cakewalk disk. It worked on my last computer but will not load on my new computer and it's frustrating me to the point of...well, being frustrated.

The disk does not appear to be damaged. There are a couple light, light scratches but that's all. I have CD's that have more scratches on them that play or work just fine.

Has anyone else ever had this problem? Is there any particular reason why it would do this? Any - and I mean any - advice or help would be appreciated.

Crying in Oklahoma,
Metal Marc

I recently bought Sonar SE3 and had the exact same problem. The CW disk was the ONLY CD my drive could not read, and I took it to work and the disk worked fine on an old PII there.

Have you installed SP2? It could have something to do with that. I just know that there must be some arcane problem with CW discs and certain PC configurations. I ended up completely reformatting my hard drive, and then the disk read and installed easily.

I've since reinstalled SP2 without problems, and it (I checked just to see) even recognizes the disc now. That's all I can tell you. Both CW and the retailer were very nice and offered to send me a dupe, but since I had no reason to believe another copy would work either, I just went ahead and did the uninstallation of XP and the reformat.

Good luck,
