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Help. I've got a BR-8 & I'm currently using an SM-58. I ran across a couple of mic s for sale.

CAD ZM-1G Equitex E-350. $499 & a

CAD SM 1 Equitex E-200, $399

Is this a good deal. Are these mics any good or what???

Any help would be appreciated.

thanks, cj
I've got a CAD e200 and I like it a lot. The multiple patterns on it are a big plus. Harvey doesn't seem to like it for some reason though. Does the BR8 have phantom power? If not you'll need mic pre or mixer that does.
baldguy said:
I've got a CAD e200 and I like it a lot. The multiple patterns on it are a big plus. Harvey doesn't seem to like it for some reason though.
2 reasons I don't like the E-200:

1. They used Primo capsules rather than the Yasu capsules which are cheaper and better but require some QC sifting to find the best ones and throw away the rest.

2. When I tried to get a freebie or two from them, they acted like they never heard of me. I know for a fact that Dick Rosmini (their consultant) always referenced me in his letters to them) as the creator of the original mic design that the E-200 was patterned after.

It's not a bad mic, but it could have been so much better.
Thanks for clearing that up Harvey. I remembered you mentioned it briefly in a post a while back but couldn't remember exactly why you didn't like it.