CAD M179 vs. Studio Projects B3


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CAD M179 vs. Studio Projects B3

hi there,

what do you think, which of these mics offers more bang for the buck?

I am very interrested in this thread... I believe we could also add the M-audio Solaris in the debate.... it has multipatern also and I would like someone besides massive mastering speaking about it (Not that I don't trust you massive :P but I would like some other people's opinion).
I have had both the B3 and the M179.
The B3 has a little more of that high mid hype and comes off as a brighter mic.
The M179 seems to have less hype, and a little darker, and meaty.
The B3 picks up more of the room in cardioid.
The M179, in cardioid, picks up less of the surrounding sound in comparison. It seems a little more two dimensional and in your face. That could be a good thing or not, depending on what you want it to do.
Do you think the CAD would make an useful mic in Figure 8 for M-S recording? Keep in mind I do the rock/punk/indie thing, not trying to get radio-friendly pop music sounds.

Warhead said:
Both are fairly neutral, the CAD having completely variable patterns.


By completely variable, I'm assuming you mean it has a pot that goes from Figure 8 to Omni with all stages of Cardioid in between, and not just a 3 position rocker switch?
Yes, that's what he means. It takes some playing around with but there are some very usable spots in the "tweens". And yeah, I think you could M-S these with success, what are you using for the cardioid?
There are better mics but if that's your budget, the CAD is good.
Big Kenny said:
Yes, that's what he means. It takes some playing around with but there are some very usable spots in the "tweens". And yeah, I think you could M-S these with success, what are you using for the cardioid?
There are better mics but if that's your budget, the CAD is good.

Thanks. I'm not looking to buy anything right now, but I eventually want to experiment with M-S, especially on some "roomier" indie rock type stuff. I've been looking at various mics with Figure 8 patterns. What I've found: the CAD, the SP B3 and C3, Rode K2, and C414. Since I record solely for fun at this point, the C414 is out from a price perspective, as is (probably) the K2. The SP mics, from what I've read, have a hyped high end that I don't think I'd be happy with. The CAD apparently has a fairly mellow darker sound which would probably work well with what I like. Also, its continuously variable, as mentioned, whereas the SP mics aren't. It just seems like the optimal mic at the right price point for me and what I want to do. If you have any other suggestions for comparable mics in that price point, I'm all ears.

I would probably use something like an AT 4033 or 4040, or even an Oktava 012 as the cardioid mic.