
New member

Yes I know this guy and he is my favorite dealer but I had no idea he was going to sell these this cheap.

He actually gave me one to review and I was floored with this mic AT THE PRICE POINT. It does have some issues that keep it from being a world class mic but for a multipattern mic at that price I thought it was a no brainer if you want a solid LD at a great price.

One caveat, I have never heard any other of the low cost multipattern mics currently on the market like the B3 so I cannot make any comparisons with those but I thought it certainly held its own against my AT4060 on vocals and to a lesser degree on acoustic guitar.

I really do apologize for the SPAM. I really was going to refrain until I saw the price he decided on. I will try to refrain from this in the future.

Sorry again.

Jason A
It is a great mic, and yes, at that price it's a no-brainer.

I've owned one for a while, and I can vouch for it's quality . . . although I would gladly trade it for your AT 4060, :D for the price, it's the shit. And yes, I agree to the "lesser extent" on the accoustic guitar thing. It's not very high on my list as an accoustic guitar mic, but I do find it excellent on most anything else, particularly drums and vocals.

That,s wieard I have one and just pulled it out and set-it up the booth monday and was wishing I had a another so I could have a stero pair, but what I paid for it two years ago was way more than that. Thanks now I know where to get another withoutissy off my wife over the price, Thanks

That,s wieard I have one and just pulled it out and set-it up in the booth monday and was wishing I had a another so I could have a stero pair, but what I paid for it two years ago was way more than that. Thanks now I know where to get another without pissing off my wife over the price, Thanks
What do these usually sell for? I have the M39 And really like it for vocals but don't really have anything to compare it to. I paid $139 for mine.
I'm in KC and can vouch for Russ. I've bought several pieces of gear from him since he opened. His prices are competitive, and he gives great support after the purchase. If you check out his other auctions, he's selling CAD M177's for $119.99. I can't say enough about Russ. He's good people, and dedicated to giving home reccer's great gear at great prices.